FAQ n.123561

What is the content of fire and smoke training during the Initial training ?


Reference: Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 Aircrew as amended by Regulation (EU) No 290/2012, see Annex V ‘Part-CC’ and Appendix I to Part-CC.

Each applicant for a Cabin Crew Attestation shall undergo the Initial training and examination specified in the above referenced regulation. Please, refer to the point 8. Fire and smoke training, which shall cover the following elements:
8.1. emphasis on the responsibility of cabin crew to deal promptly with emergencies involving fire and smoke and, in particular, emphasis on the importance of identifying the actual source of the fire; 
8.2. the importance of informing the flight crew immediately, as well as the specific actions necessary for coordination and assistance, when fire or smoke is discovered; 
8.3. the necessity for frequent checking of potential fire-risk areas including toilets, and the associated smoke detectors; 
8.4. the classification of fires and the appropriate type of extinguishing agents and procedures for particular fire situations; 
8.5. the techniques of application of extinguishing agents, the consequences of misapplication, and of use in a confined space including practical training in fire-fighting and in the donning and use of smoke protection equipment used in aviation; and 
8.6. the general procedures of ground-based emergency services at aerodromes.

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