NPA 2019-13

Regular update of the Certification Specifications for Cabin Crew Data (CS-CCD)


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The objective of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to update the operational suitability data (OSD) requirements for cabin crew that are comprised in the Certification Specifications for Cabin Crew Data (CS-CCD) in order to reflect, in the scope of regular updates, the state of the art, best practices and experience gained since its implementation (CS-CCD Initial Issue published on 31 January 2014).

To this end, this NPA proposes the following amendments to CS-CCD:

  • Item 1: Update of Appendix 1 to CS CCD.200(b)(1) Aircraft difference table, as regards the item ‘design-related elements impacting normal and/or emergency operations’;
  • Item 2: Clarification of the understanding of ‘design-related elements impacting normal and/or emergency operations’ to be provided by the applicant for the determination process of a new type or variant against the base aircraft (CS CCD.205 Determination elements);
  • Item 3: Clarification of the terminology used for ‘door and exit types’, and in particular the understanding of ‘type of exit’ as per CS 25.807 for the purpose of CS CCD.205 Determination elements;
  • Item 4: Clarification of the definition of ‘type’ in ‘doors/exits’ for the purpose of CS CCD.210 Determination elements;
  • Item 5: Clarification of one element of the type-specific data content to be provided by the applicant in accordance with Appendix 1 to CS CCD.310 Type-specific data content;
  • Item 6: Editorial review of CS-CCD.

The proposed amendments are expected to update the OSD requirements for cabin crew that are included in CS-CCD to reflect the state of the art of certification while ensuring that the regulatory framework establishes standard means to demonstrate compliance with the airworthiness requirements. Overall, the proposal provides for additional clarity by streamlining the assessment of new types or variants against the base aircraft as well as by better defining the data required for the development of cabin crew training programme(s) by operators.

The proposed amendments are expected to have a moderate safety benefit, and they would have no social or environmental impact.