ED Decision 2025/002/R

Amendments to the AMC & GM to Regulations (EU) Nos 1178/2011 and 965/2012


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AMC & GM to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 — Issue 1, Amendment 1
AMC & GM to Part-FCL — Issue 1, Amendment 13
AMC & GM to Part-MED — Issue 2, Amendment 1
AMC & GM to Part-ARA — Issue 1, Amendment 13
AMC & GM to Part-ORA — Issue 1, Amendment 8
AMC & GM to Part-DTO — Issue 1, Amendment 2
AMC & GM to Part-ORO — Issue 2, Amendment 26
AMC & GM to Part-SPA — Issue 1, Amendment 15

This Decision encompasses amendments to the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011 and (EU) No 965/2012, as developed through the rulemaking tasks referred to in the title of this explanatory note, including all the following:

  • amendments to ensure that cruise relief co-pilots (CRCPs) are adequately trained to safely operate an aeroplane in the cruise segment of a flight, and that appropriate operating procedures are established for the transfer of authority from the commander to the CRCP;
  • amendments aiming to improve the level of safety and clarify already existing text, in order to make the regulatory framework more precise and effective, to fill the gaps identified through the implementation experience and to remove unnecessary burden for competent authorities, aero-medical examiners (AMEs) and aero-medical centres (AeMCs);
  • amendments aiming to safely increase the pilot age limit for pilots involved in single-pilot helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) operations, which are expected to have a positive social impact on the patients in need of helicopter emergency intervention, by increasing the coverage of HEMS operations, and on the pilots who will have the possibility to retire at an age closer to the legal retirement age;
  • amendments concerning updates, improvements and clarifications on miscellaneous topics, such as helicopter training topics (vortex ring stage), PBN training, multi-pilot operation in single-pilot aircraft, TRI training, and licence endorsements;
  • amendments to provide updates, improvements and clarifications on miscellaneous topics in the field of flight crew licensing (FCL) for general aviation, such as pilot privileges for electrically powered aeroplanes, credits for private pilot licence (PPL) applicants who have started light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL) training, LAPL and PPL training, and non-complex helicopter type rating revalidation via refresher training.

These amendments are expected to improve the regulatory framework as regards the above-listed areas through updates, clarifications, and through addressing proportionality issues, while maintaining a high level of safety.