ED Decision 2024/003/R

CS-ACNS in support of the automatic dependent surveillance-contract extended projected profile (ADS-C EPP) capability — CS-ACNS Issue 5


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CS-ACNS Issue 5

This Decision lays down Issue 5 of the Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CS-ACNS), which affects design and production organisations.

The objective of the amendments issued with CS-ACNS Issue 5 is to enable manufactures to effectively support in a harmonised manner aircraft operators that are required to be provided with automatic dependent surveillance-contract extended project profile (ADS-C EPP) as part of ATS Baseline 2 (ATS B2), in accordance with ATM Functionality 6 ‘INITIAL TRAJECTORY INFORMATION SHARING’ (AF6) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 on the establishment of the Common Project One.