The interactive map below provides you with a comprehensive overview of the population density within the EASA member states. Use the search function to explore your desired city.
For Riga (Latvia) further tools are available for detailed analysis. These tools can be found at the top left of the map. Here you are able to select different geometries of a potential operational area and calculate the maximum and average population density in your desired operational area. The source of the data can be viewed below the map.
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Note: The map is only suitable for display on desktop devices. A mobile version is currently in development. We apologize for any inconvenience.
This map is a module of the EASA Innovative Air Mobility (IAM) Hub which is a unique digital platform that brings together all actors in the European system including cities, regions, National authorities, the EU, operators and manufactures. The primary goal is to facilitate the safe, secure, efficient, and sustainable implementation of IAM practices. It is flagship action number 7 of the Drones Strategy 2.0.
This project has received funding from a Contribution Agreement
with the European Commission.
Any feedback?
Your feedback is welcome to this page and other IAM Hub deliverables.