UAS.SPEC.010 General provisions
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
The UAS operator shall provide the competent authority with an operational risk assessment for the intended operation in accordance with Article 11, or submit a declaration when point UAS.SPEC.020 is applicable, unless the operator holds a light UAS operator certificate (LUC) with the appropriate privileges, in accordance with Part C of this Annex. The UAS operator shall regularly evaluate the adequacy of the mitigation measures taken and update them where necessary.
UAS.SPEC.020 Operational declaration
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
(1) In accordance with Article 5, the UAS operator may submit an operational declaration of compliance with a standard scenario as defined in Appendix 1 to this Annex to the competent authority of the Member State of registration as an alternative to points UAS.SPEC.030 and UAS.SPEC.040 in relation to operations:
(a) of unmanned aircraft with:
(i) maximum characteristic dimension up to 3 metres in VLOS over controlled ground area except over assemblies of people,
(ii) maximum characteristic dimension up to 1 metre in VLOS except over assemblies of people;
(iii) maximum characteristic dimension up to 1 metre in BVLOS over sparsely populated areas;
(iv) maximum characteristic dimension up to 3 metres in BVLOS over controlled ground area.
(b) performed below 120 metres from the closest point of the surface of the earth, and:
(i) in uncontrolled airspace (class F or G) unless different limitations are provided by Member States through UAS geographical zones in areas where the probability of encountering manned aircraft is not low; or
(ii) in controlled airspace, in accordance with published procedures for the area of operation, so that a low probability of encountering manned aircraft is ensured.
(2) A declaration of UAS operators shall contain:
(a) administrative information about the UAS operator;
(b) a statement that the operation satisfies the operational requirement set out in point (1) and a standard scenario as defined in Appendix 1 to the Annex;
(c) the commitment of the UAS operator to comply with the relevant mitigation measures required for the safety of the operation, including the associated instructions for the operation, for the design of the unmanned aircraft and the competency of involved personnel.
(d) confirmation by the UAS operator that an appropriate insurance cover will be in place for every flight made under the declaration, if required by Union or national law.
(3) Upon receipt of the declaration, the competent authority shall verify that the declaration contains all the elements listed in point (2) and shall provide the UAS operator with a confirmation of receipt and completeness without undue delay.
(4) After receiving the confirmation of receipt and completeness, the UAS operator is entitled to start the operation.
(5) UAS operators shall notify, without any delay, the competent authority of any change to the information contained in the operational declaration that they submitted.
(6) UAS operators holding an LUC with appropriate privileges, in accordance with Part C of this Annex, are not required to submit the declaration.
UAS.SPEC.030 Application for an operational authorisation
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
(1) Before starting an UAS operation in the ‘specific’ category the UAS operator shall obtain an operational authorisation from the national competent authority of the Member State of registration, except:
(a) when point UAS.SPEC.020 is applicable; or
(b) the UAS operator holds an LUC with the appropriate privileges, in accordance with Part C of this Annex.
(2) The UAS operator shall submit an application for an updated operational authorisation if there are any significant changes to the operation or to the mitigation measures listed in the operational authorisation.
(3) The application for an operational authorisation shall be based on the risk assessment referred to in Article 11 and shall include in addition the following information:
(a) the registration number of the UAS operator;
(b) the name of the accountable manager or the name of the UAS operator in the case of a natural person;
(c) the operational risk assessment;
(d) the list of mitigation measures proposed by the UAS operator, with sufficient information for the competent authority to assess the adequacy of the mitigation means to address the risks;
(e) an operations manual when required by the risk and complexity of the operation;
(f) a confirmation that an appropriate insurance cover will be in place at the start of the UAS operations, if required by Union or national law.
The UAS operator should submit an application for an operational authorisation according to the following form. The application and all the documentation referred to or attached to the application should be stored for at least 2 years after the expiry of the related operational authorisation or submission of application in case of refusal. The UAS operator should ensure the protection of the stored data from unauthorised access, damage, alteration, and theft. The declaration may be complemented by the description of the procedures to ensure that all operations are in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as required by point UAS.SPEC.050 (1)(a)(iv) of the UAS Regulation.
Application for an operational authorisation for the ‘specific’ category |
Data protection: Personal data included in this application is processed by the competent authority pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). Personal data will be processed for the purpose of the performance, management and follow-up of the application by the competent authority in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft. If the applicant requires further information concerning the processing of their personal data or exercising their rights (e.g. to access or rectify any inaccurate or incomplete data), they should refer to the point of contact of their competent authority. The applicant has the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data at any time to the national data protection supervisory authority. |
New application |
Amendment to operational authorisation NNN-OAT-xxxxx/yyy |
1. UAS operator data |
1.1 UAS operator registration number |
1.2 UAS operator name |
1.3 Name of the accountable manager |
1.3 Operational point of contact Name Telephone |
2 Details of the UAS operation |
2.1 Expected date of start of the operation |
2.2 Expected end date |
2.3 Intended location(s) for the operation |
2.4 Risk assessment reference and revision |
SORA version __ |
2.5 Level of assurance and integrity |
2.6. Type of operation |
2.7 Transport of dangerous goods |
Yes |
2.8 Ground risk characterisation |
2.8.1 Operational area |
2.8.2 Adjacent area |
2.9 Upper limit of the operational volume |
2.10 Airspace volume of the intended operation |
U-space |
2.11 Residual air risk level |
2.12.1 Operational volume |
ARC-a |
2.11.2. Adjacent volume |
ARC-a |
2.12 Operations manual reference |
2.13 Compliance evidence file reference |
3. UAS data |
3.1 Manufacturer |
3.2 Model |
3.3 Type of UAS |
Multirotor Lighter than air / other |
3.4 Max characteristic dimensions |
_____ m |
3.5 Take-off mass |
_____ kg |
3.6 Maximum speed |
_____ m/s (_____ kt) |
3.7 Serial number or, if applicable, UA registration mark |
3.8 Type certificate (TC) or design verification report, if applicable |
3.9 Number of the certificate of airworthiness (CofA), if applicable |
3.10 Number of the noise certificate, if applicable |
3.11 Mitigation of effects of ground impact |
No |
3.12 Technical requirements for containment |
Basic |
4. Remarks |
5. Declaration of compliance |
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the UAS operation will comply with: — any applicable Union and national regulations related to privacy, data protection, liability, insurance, security, and environmental protection; — the applicable requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/947; and — the limitations and conditions defined in the operational authorisation provided by the competent authority. Moreover, I declare that the related insurance coverage, if appliable, will be in place at the start date of the UAS operation. |
Signature and stamp |
Instructions for filling in the application form
If the application relates to an amendment to an existing operational authorisation, indicate the number of the operational authorisation and fill out in red the fields that are amended compared to the last operational authorisation.
1.1 UAS operator registration number in accordance with Article 14 of the UAS Regulation.
1.2 UAS operator’s name as declared during the registration process.
1.3 Name of the accountable manager or, in the case of a natural person, the name of the UAS operator.
1.4 Contact details of the person responsible for the operation, in charge to answer possible operational questions raised by the competent authority.
2.1 Date on which the UAS operator expects to start the operation.
2.2 Date on which the UAS operator expects to end the operation. The UAS operator may ask for an unlimited duration; in this case, indicate ‘Unlimited’.
2.3 Location(s) where the UAS operator intends to conduct the UAS operation. The identification of the location(s) should contain the full operational volume and ground risk buffer (the red line in Figure 1). Depending on the initial ground and air risk and on the application of mitigation measures, the location(s) may be ‘generic’ or ‘precise’ (refer to GM2 UAS.SPEC.030(2)).
Figure 1 — Operational area and ground risk buffer
2.4 Select one of the three options. If the SORA is used, indicate the version. In case a PDRA is used, indicate the number and its revision. In case a risk assessment methodology is used other than the SORA, provide its reference. In this last case, the UAS operator should demonstrate that the methodology complies with Article 11 of the UAS Regulation.
2.5 If the risk methodology used is the SORA, indicate the final SAIL of the operation, otherwise the equivalent information provided by the risk assessment methodology used.
2.6 Select one of the two options.
2.7 Select one of the two options.
2.8 Characterise the ground risk (i.e. density of overflown population density, expressed in persons per km2, if available, or ‘controlled ground area’, ‘sparsely populated area’, ‘populated area’, ‘gatherings of people’) for both the operational and the adjacent area.
2.10 Select one or more of the nine options. Select ‘Other’ in case none of the previous applies (i.e. military areas).
2.11 Select one of the four options.
2.12 Indicate the OM’s identification and revision number. This document should be attached to the application.
2.13 Indicate the compliance evidence file identification and revision number. This document should be attached to the application.
3.1 Name of the manufacturer of the UAS.
3.2 Model of the UAS as defined by the manufacturer.
3.3 Select one of the five options.
3.4 Indicate the maximum dimensions of the UA in metres (e.g. for aeroplanes: the length of the wingspan; for helicopters: the diameter of the propellers; for multirotors: the maximum distance between the tips of two opposite propellers) as used in the risk assessment to identify the ground risk.
3.5 Indicate the maximum value, expressed in kg, of the UA take-off mass (TOM), at which the UAS operation may be operated. All flights should then be operated not exceeding that TOM. The TOM may be different from (however, not higher than) the MTOM defined by the UAS manufacturer.
3.7 Unique serial number (SN) of the UA defined by the manufacturer according to standard ANSI/CTA‑2063‑A‑2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019, or UA registration mark if the UA is registered. In case of privately built UAS or UAS not bearing a unique SN, insert the unique SN of the remote identification system.
3.8 Include the EASA TC number, or the UAS design verification report number issued by EASA, if applicable.
3.9 If a UAS with an EASA TC is required by the competent authority, the UAS should have a certificate of airworthiness (CofA).
3.10 If a UAS with an EASA TC is required by the competent authority, the UAS should have a noise certificate.
3.11 Select one of the four options.
3.12 Select one of the two options.
4 Free-text field for the addition of any relevant remark.
Note 1: Section 3 may include more than one UAS. In that case, it should be filled in with the data of all the UASs intended to be operated. If needed, fields may be duplicated.
Note 2: The signature and stamp may be provided in electronic form.
(a) Any non-editorial change that affects the operational authorisation, or affects any associated documentation that is submitted to demonstrate compliance with the requirements established for the authorisation, should be considered to be a significant change.
(b) With regard to the information and documentation associated with the authorisation, changes should be considered to be significant when they involve, for example:
(1) changes in the operations that affect the assumptions of the risk assessment;
(2) changes that relate to the management system of the UAS operator (including changes of key personnel), its ownership or its principal place of business;
(3) non-editorial changes that affect the operational risk assessment report;
(4) non-editorial changes that affect the policies and procedures of the UAS operator; and
(5) non-editorial changes that affect the OM (when required).
Depending on the level of the risk of the operation, the technical characteristics of the UAS may play an important role in mitigating the risk. In that case, the UAS operator may provide additional information to the NAA on the characteristics of the UAS to be operated. The NAA will, in any case, ask for additional data when needed.
As an example regarding how to structure the additional information, the UAS operator may supplement the application for the authorisation with the additional elements shown below. Elements from the example may be added or removed as required.
Type |
Fixed |
Characteristics |
Wheels |
Paint (1): |
Lights (2) |
Intensity: |
Aircraft visibility lights: |
Control lights (flight mode or alert indicators, etc.):
Note: Provide a brief description (for example, push/pull systems, coaxial systems in the case of multirotors, combined systems, etc.). |
Description: |
Control and/or positioning system (4) |
Manufacturer: Model: Description: |
Description: |
Description: |
Radio emitter: Manufacturer: Model: |
Mobile/computer application: Manufacturer: Model: |
Other: Manufacturer: Model: |
Description (frequency): |
Description (frequency): |
Description (frequency): |
Description (frequency): |
Maximum operating height:
Max airspeed:
Weather conditions:
DETECT AND AVOID Description: |
TRANSPONDER Description: |
OTHER Description: |
Describe any painted elements that are visible (marks) and significant (colour, shape, etc.).
Describe the lights, including their colours and locations.
Mark the type of propulsion used, indicating (in the space provided) the manufacturer and model, and detailing relevant information such as the number of motors/engines, the configuration, etc. Powerplant design diagrams may be attached if necessary.
As a general instruction for this section, in addition to the description and information deemed necessary to define these systems, provide any certification and rating for the systems, such as those related to electromagnetic compatibility or any other European directive satisfied by the equipment installed on the aircraft, for consideration during the specific risk assessment conducted using the specific operations risk assessment (SORA) or any other risk assessment methodology that is followed to evaluate and authorise operations.
Indicate the manufacturer and model of the flight controller. Describe the relevant aspects affecting flight safety.
Describe and include the technical characteristics of the system, its modes of operation, system activation and any certification and rating for the components, as well as proof of its electromagnetic compatibility for consideration during the SORA or any other risk assessment methodology that is followed to evaluate and authorise operations.
Describe the flight modes (i.e. manual, artificial stability with controller, automatic, autonomous). For each flight mode, describe the variable that controls the aircraft: increments in position, speed control, attitude control, type of altitude control (which sensor is used for this purpose), etc.
For ‘encrypted’ links, describe the encryption system used, if any.
Describe each of the different payload configurations that affect the mission or that, without changing it, impact the weight and balance, the electrical charge or the flight dynamics. Include all relevant technical details. If needed, you may use other documents that provide the specified details.
Describe in this section the maximum operating height, the maximum airspeed (including Vmax ascent, Vmax descent and Vmax horizontal), and, in addition, the meteorological limit conditions in which the UAS can operate (e.g. rain, maximum wind, etc.)
Describe the systems or equipment installed on the aircraft to mitigate potential operational safety risks, whether included in the form or not.
GM2 UAS.SPEC.030(2) Application for an operational authorisation
ED Decision 2022/002/R
According to Article 12 of the UAS Regulation, a competent authority may decide to grant a ‘generic’ operational authorisation, i.e. an operational authorisation that is applicable to an indefinite number of flights taking place in locations generically identified, during the period of validity of the operational authorisation. (Contrary to the ‘generic’ operational authorisation, an operational authorisation that is limited to the number of flights and/or to known locations identified by geographical coordinates will be called ‘precise’ operational authorisation.)
A ‘generic’ operational authorisation does not contain any precise location (geographical coordinates) but applies to all locations that meet the approved conditions/limitations (e.g. density of population of the operational and adjacent area, class of airspace of the operational and adjacent area, maximum height, etc.). The UAS operator is responsible for checking that each flight they conduct:
— meets the mitigations and operational safety objectives derived from the SORA and the requirements listed in the operational authorisation; and
— takes place in an area whose characteristics and local conditions are consistent with the GRC and ARC classification of the SORA as approved by the NAA.
The UAS operator should anyhow check whether their MS has published a geographical zone in the area of operation according to Article 15 of the UAS Regulation, requiring a flight authorisation (e.g. this may be the case for the areas covered by U-Space). A flight authorisation should not be confused with an operational authorisation.
The criteria to determine whether a UAS operator is eligible for a ‘generic’ operational authorisation are the following:
1. The limitations regarding the operational scenario, the operational volume and the buffers defined by the operational authorisation are expressed in such a way that it is simple for the UAS operator to ensure compliance with those limitations.
It will usually be easier for the UAS operator to ensure compliance when the conditions are unambiguous and not open to interpretation. This is the case, for instance, when:
— a controlled ground area is required, or the density of population is very low;
— the operation takes place in segregated airspace.
In this regard, ‘generic’ operational authorisations may be relevant for operations conducted according to PDRA-Sxx, since the conditions are similar to the ones of the declarative STS and it is relatively easy for the UAS operator to ensure compliance with those conditions.
As a rule of thumb, a ‘precise’ operational authorisation rather than a ‘generic’ one may be more appropriate when the iGRC ≥ 4 or the iARC ≥ ARC-c.
2. The strategic mitigation measures, if any, are not open to interpretation or difficult to implement.
The use of some strategic measure mitigation (M1 for GRC or Step 5 for ARC) often prompt debate between the UAS operator and the NAA regarding the relevance/validity of the data sources (density of population, density/type of traffic in given airspace, etc.), and the efficiency of the proposed strategic mitigation measures. Furthermore, some of these measures are difficult to implement and it is not always possible for the NAA to simply trust the capacity of the UAS operator to do so.
For instance, the following examples show measures that are difficult to implement / open to interpretation:
— achieving a local reduction of the density of population;
— ensuring the absence of uninvolved persons in very large, controlled ground areas, or reserving large, controlled ground areas in densely populated environments;
— starting an operation in airspace that requires a new protocol with the ANSP/ATSP, etc.
Note: In the future, qualified service for strategic deconfliction (U-space) may be a valid mitigation measure for a ‘generic’ operational authorisation.
3. The NAA has assessed the capacity of the UAS operator to identify/assess the local conditions
The UAS operator should have a diligent and documented process to identify/assess the local conditions and their compliance to the limitations given by the authorisation (in the operations manual (OM)). The UAS operator should train its personnel to assess the operational volume, buffers and mitigations in order to prepare for the next operations. The UAS operator should also document and record the assessment of locations (e.g. in mission files), so that adherence to this process can be verified by the NAA on a regular basis.
For simple operations where Criteria 1 and 2 are met, the NAA may decide to issue the ‘generic’ operational authorisation first and assess the robustness of the procedures through continuous oversight.
For complex operations where Criteria 1 and 2 are not met, then the third criterion is paramount. While the NAA may be confident enough to directly issue a ‘generic’ operational authorisation, it may also decide to add some restrictions for the locations that are valid for the first one (or more) operations. The UAS operator should provide evidence to the NAA that the process defined in Criterion 3 has been followed, and the area and local conditions identified by the UAS operator comply with the authorisation. The NAA will review the evidence (as for a ‘precise’ authorisation) and confirm in written to the operator that their analysis is satisfactory.
Once the NAA has enough evidence or confidence that the UAS operator is able to complete the assessments on its own, the restrictions on the location may be withdrawn.
Eventually, a LUC may be appropriate to demonstrate this capacity (see below).
An operational authorisation where the locations are generically identified may to some extent be traced to some privileges granted to a LUC holder: the UAS operator can schedule new flights without receiving a new operational authorisation for each of them. However, a LUC offers more flexibility than a generic operational authorisation by allowing a UAS operator to have different level of privileges, including the possibility to start new types of operations or use previously non-validated types of UASs.
On the other hand, a ‘generic’ operational authorisation does not require the UAS operator to formally implement a management system. Such a management system would be disproportionate for low‑risk operations (such as PDRA-Sxx) (see Criterion 2). However, the more requirements are derived from the SORA and the conditions of the operational authorisations are difficult to check and to comply with, the more robust and reliable the processes and the organisation of the UAS operator need to be to ensure the absence of deviation.
Eventually, a LUC becomes necessary when the risk of deviation from these procedures is high and when deviating from the validated conditions greatly increases the risk of the operation. The LUC management system will be needed to ensure compliance with the procedures of the UAS operator through an independent process.
In this regard, a LUC may be more relevant than a ‘generic’ operational authorisation in the following cases:
— for SAIL ≥ 4 operations (due to OSO#1 ‘Ensure the UAS operator is competent and/or proven’ with a ‘high’ level of robustness); or
— for SAIL ≥ 3 operations, when strategic ground risk mitigation (M1) or strategic air risk mitigation (Step 5) is applied, to make sure that the applicant exhibits the right safety culture to perform a location risk assessment.
AMC1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) Application for an operational authorisation
ED Decision 2019/021/R
When required in accordance with UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e), the OM should contain at least the information listed below, if applicable, customised for the area and type of operation.
0. Cover and contact.
0.1 Cover identifying the UAS operator with the title ‘Operations Manual’, contact information and OM revision number.
0.2 Table of contents.
1. Introduction
1.1 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations.
1.2 System for amendment and revision of the OM (list the changes that require prior approval and the changes to be notified to the competent authority).
1.3 Record of revisions with effectivity dates.
1.4 List of effective pages (list of effective pages unless the entire manual is re-issued and the manual has an effective date on it).
1.5 Purpose and scope of the OM with a brief description of the different parts of the documents.
1.6 Safety statement (include a statement that the OM complies with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and with the authorisation or the terms of approval of the light UAS operator certificate (LUC), in the case of a LUC holder, and contains instructions that are to be complied with by the personnel involved in flight operations).
1.7 Approval signature (the accountable manager must sign this statement).
2. Description of the UAS operator’s organisation (include the organigram and a brief description thereof).
3. Concept of operations (ConOps
For each operation, please describe the following:
3.1 Nature of the operation and associated risks (describe the nature of the activities performed and the associated risks).
3.2 Operational environment and geographical area for the intended operations (in general terms, describe the characteristics of the area to be overflown, its topography, obstacles etc., and the characteristics of the airspace to be used, and the environmental conditions (i.e. the weather and electromagnetic environment); the definition of the required operation volume and risk buffers to address the ground and air risks).
3.3 Technical means used (in general terms, describe their main characteristics, performance and limitations, including UAS, external systems supporting the UAS operation, facilities, etc.)
3.4 Competency, duties and responsibilities of personnel involved in the operations such as the remote pilot, UA observer, visual observer (VO), supervisor, controller, operations manager, etc. (initial qualifications; experience in operating UAS; experience in the particular operation; training and checking; compliance with the applicable regulations and guidance to crew members concerning health, fitness for duty and fatigue; guidance to staff on how to facilitate inspections by competent authority personnel).
3.5 Risk analysis and methods for reduction of identified risks (description of methodology used; bow‑tie presentation or other).
3.6 Maintenance (provide maintenance instructions required to keep the UAS in a safe condition, covering the UAS manufacturer’s maintenance instructions and requirements when applicable).
4. Normal procedures;
(The UAS operator should complete the following paragraphs considering the elements listed below. The procedures applicable to all UAS operations may be listed in paragraph 4.1.)
4.1 General procedures valid for all operations
4.2 Procedures peculiar to a single operation
5. Contingency procedures
(The UAS operator should complete the following paragraphs considering the elements listed below. The procedures applicable to all UAS operations may be listed in paragraph 5.1).
5.1 General procedures valid for all operations
5.2 Procedures peculiar to a single operation
6. Emergency procedures
(The UAS operator should define procedures to cope with emergency situations.)
7. Emergency response plan (ERP) (optional)
8. Security (security procedures referred to in UAS.SPEC.050(a)(ii) and (iii); instructions, guidance, procedures, and responsibilities on how to implement security requirements and protect the UAS from unauthorised modification, interference, etc.]
9. Guidelines to minimise nuisance and environmental impact referred to in UAS.SPEC.050(a)(v);
10. Occurrence reporting procedures according to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014.
11. Record-keeping procedures (instructions on logs and records of pilots and other data considered useful for the tracking and monitoring of the activity).
AMC2 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) Application for an operational authorisation
ED Decision 2022/002/R
1. Scope of this AMC
1.1 This AMC addresses the criteria for the medium and high level of robustness of the operational procedures that are required under the following OSOs:
(a) OSO #08: Technical issue with the UAS — Operational procedures are defined, validated and adhered to;
(b) OSO #11: Deterioration of the external systems that support the UAS operations — Procedures are in place to handle the deterioration of the external systems that support the UAS operations;
(c) OSO #14: Human error — Operational procedures are defined, validated and adhered to; and
(d) OSO #21: Adverse operating conditions — Operational procedures are defined, validated and adhered to.
These criteria may be used to also address the criteria for the medium and high levels of robustness of the operational procedures required under the mitigation means, which are defined in Annex B to AMC1 Article 11
2. Criteria for the level of integrity
2.1. Criterion #1: Procedure definition
2.1.1. Annex E to AMC1 Article 11 provides the minimum elements that the operational procedures need to appropriately cover for the intended operations.
2.1.2. AMC1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) on the OM template97 EASA is working within JARUS to amend Annex A to the SORA. When this activity will be completed (planned for 2022/Q2) the title of Annex A will be changed to ‘Operations manual’ and it will describe how the UAS operator should develop an operations manual with a content proportionate to SAIL of its operation. Annex A to the SORA will also replace AMC1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) and GM1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e). for the operational authorisation of UAS operations in the ‘specific’ category and the corresponding guidance in GM1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) should be followed to define the procedures, as they provide more details on the elements that are referred to in point 2.1.1.
2.2. Criterion #2: Procedure complexity
2.2.1. Based on the SORA criterion of ‘procedure complexity’ for a low level of integrity, procedures with a higher level of integrity should not be complex. This implies that the workload and/or the interactions with other entities (e.g. air traffic management (ATM), etc.) of remote pilots and/or other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation should be limited to a level that may not jeopardise their ability to adequately follow the procedures.
2.2.2. Procedures should be validated in accordance with point 3.5.
2.3. Criterion #3: Consideration of potential human error
Operational procedures should be developed to minimise human errors:
(a) each of the tasks and the complete sequence of the tasks of a procedure should be intuitive, unambiguous, and clearly defined;
(b) the tasks should be clearly assigned to the relevant roles and persons, ensuring a balanced workload (see point 2.2); and
(c) the procedures should adequately address fatigue and stress, considering, among other aspects, the following: duty times, regular breaks, rest periods, the applicable health and safety requirements in the operational environment, handover/takeover procedures, responsibilities, and workload.
3. Criteria for the level of assurance
3.1. The purpose of the validation process described in this AMC is to confirm whether the proposed operational procedures are complete and adequate to ensure the safe conduct of the intended UAS operations.
3.2. The validation process should include the following:
(a) a review of the completeness of the procedures to ensure that:
(1) all elements that are indicated in points 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 have been addressed; and
(2) all relevant references have been considered, including but not limited to:
(i) the applicable regulations;
(ii) the requirements from the competent authority and/or other relevant authorities or entities;
(iii) the local requirements and conditions;
(iv) the available recommended practices for the intended type of UAS operations;
(v) the instructions from the UAS manufacturer and of any other UAS equipment manufacturer, if applicable;
(vi) the instructions and requirements from externally provided services that support the UAS operations, if applicable;
(vii) the results from previous experience, including tests and/or simulations as those indicated in point (c) and (d); and
(viii) consensus-based voluntary industry standards;
(b) an expert judgement to assess the adequacy of the procedures based on:
(1) the objective(s) of each procedure;
(2) relevant key performance parameters/indicators and/or benchmarking of options, if applicable;
(3) an assessment of the procedures’ complexity in accordance with point 2.2; and
(4) an assessment of the effect of human factors on procedures in accordance with point 2.3;
(c) a proof of the adequacy of the procedures through tests or practical exercise for phases of the UAS operation other than the UA flight, which involve the UAS and/or any external system that supports the operation;
(d) a proof of the adequacy of the contingency and emergency procedures through:
(1) dedicated flight tests conducted in an area with reduced air and ground risk and/or representative subsystems tests; or
(2) simulation, provided it is proven valid for the intended purpose with positive results; or
(3) any other means acceptable to the competent authority that issues the authorisation;
(e) if the option in point (d)(3) is selected, a substantiation of the suitability of those means for proving the adequacy of the procedures;
(f) a record of proof of the adequacy of the procedures, including at least:
(1) the UAS operator’s name and registration number;
(2) the date(s) and place(s) of tests or simulations;
(3) identification of the means used, e.g. for tests or simulations that use actual UASs: the type category, the name of the manufacturer, and the model and serial number of each UA used;
(4) a description of tests or simulations conducted, including their purpose, the expected results (including key performance parameters/indicators, where relevant), how they were conducted, the results obtained, and conclusions; and
(5) the signature of the person that is appointed by the UAS operator to conduct the tests or simulations;
(g) for UAS operations that require a high level of assurance, the procedures and the dedicated flight tests, simulations, or other means acceptable to the competent authority, which are indicated in point 3.2, validated by the competent authority that issues the authorisation or by an entity that is recognised by that competent authority.
3.3. The following conditions apply to the dedicated flight tests that are indicated in point 3.2(d)(1):
(a) the configuration of the UAS hardware and software should be identified;
(b) the UAS operator should conduct the dedicated flight tests;
(c) if no simulations as the ones indicated in point 3.2(d)(2) are conducted, the dedicated flight tests should cover all the relevant aspects of the contingency and emergency procedures;
(d) for UAS operations that require a high level of assurance, the dedicated flight tests that are performed to validate the procedures and checklists should cover the complete flight envelope or prove to be conservative;
(e) the UAS operator should conduct as many flight tests as agreed with the competent authority to prove the adequacy of the proposed procedures;
(f) the dedicated flight tests should be conducted in a safe environment (reducing the ground and air risks to the greatest extent possible), while ensuring the representativeness of the tests’ results for the intended UAS operations; and
(g) the UAS operator should record the flight tests as part of the information to be recorded as per point UAS.SPEC.050(1)(g), e.g. in a logbook, as indicated in AMC1 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(g); such a record should include any potential issues identified.
3.4. To ensure that the integrity criterion of point 2.2 is met, the complexity of the procedures should be validated.
3.4.1. This validation should include:
(a) an expert judgement, as indicated in point 3.3(b); and
(b) a proof of the adequacy of the procedures, as indicated in point 3.3(c) and (d).
3.4.2. The UAS operator should adopt a method for the evaluation of the complexity of the procedures by the relevant personnel, i.e. the remote pilot and/or other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation. That method should be adequate for the evaluation of the workload that is required by the task(s) of each procedure.
For example, a suitable method for evaluating the workload of the remote pilot and/or other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation may be the ‘Bedford Workload Scale’, which was conceived as a qualitative and relatively simple methodology for rating the pilots’ workload that is associated with the design of an aircraft’s human–machine interface (HMI). However, this methodology is deemed to be adequately generic to be also applicable to the tasks associated with the operational procedures to be conducted by remote pilots and/or other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation.
Figure 1 depicts the Bedford Workload Scale adapted to operational procedures for UAS operations: ‘pilot’ is replaced by ‘remote crew member’ (i.e. the remote pilot or other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation), and ‘pilot decision’ is replaced by ‘remote crew member performs a procedure task’. A procedure may include one or more tasks.
Figure 1 — Bedford Workload Scale adapted to operational procedures for UAS operations
AMC3 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) Application for an operational authorisation
ED Decision 2022/002/R
1. Scope of this AMC
1.1 This AMC defines the content of an ERP as well as the methodology for its validation. It may be used to meet Criterion #1 (Procedures) of Mitigation M3 — An ERP is in place, UAS operator validated and effective of Annex B to AMC1 Article 11 for medium and high level of robustness.
1.2 The risk assessment, as required by Article 11 of the UAS Regulation, should address the safety risks that are associated with the loss of control of a UAS operation, which may result in:
(a) fatal injuries to third parties on the ground;
(b) injuries to third parties in the air; or
(c) damage to critical infrastructure.
Note: As per point B.4 of Annex B to AMC1 Article 11, the loss of control of a UAS operation corresponds to situations where the emergency procedures would not have provided the desired effect, the UAS operation is in an unrecoverable state, and:
— the outcome of the situation relies highly on providence; or
— the situation could not be handled via a contingency procedure; or
— there is a grave and imminent danger of fatalities.
1.3. Therefore, in line with the risk assessment, the scope of this AMC is limited to addressing the response to emergency situations that are caused by the UAS operation, as well as the potential consequences that are indicated in point 1.2. However, the response to such emergency situations should not be limited to the potential risk/harm only to third parties but also to the UAS operator’s personnel.
1.4. This AMC does not address emergency situations other than those referred to in point 1.3. However, the UAS operator may be required to address such situations as part of the operational authorisation98 Chapter 2 Events which may activate the Emergency Response Plan of the European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) Safety Management Toolkit for Non-Complex Operators — Emergency Response Plan — A Template for Industry (2nd edition, October 2014) provides examples of emergency situations that are outside the scope of this AMC but may be required to be addressed by the UAS operator as part of the operational authorisation (…)..
2. Purpose of the ERP
2.1. The UAS operator should, in cooperation with other stakeholders, if applicable, develop, coordinate, and maintain an ERP that ensures orderly and safe transition from normal operation to emergency and return to normal operation. The ERP should include the actions to be taken by the UAS operator or specified individuals in an emergency, and indicate the size, nature, and complexity of the activities to be performed by the UAS operator or the specified individuals.
2.2. As for emergency procedures, an ERP is implemented by the UAS operator to address emergency situations. However, an ERP is specifically developed to:
(a) limit any escalating effect of the emergency situation;
(b) meet the conditions to alert the relevant authorities and entities.
2.3. The ERP should contain all the necessary information about the role of the relevant personnel in an emergency and about their response to it.
3. Effectiveness of the ERP
3.1. For the ERP to be effective, it should:
(a) be appropriate to the size, nature, and complexity of the UAS operation;
(b) be readily accessible by all relevant personnel and by other entities, where applicable;
(c) include procedures and checklists relevant to different or specific emergency situations;
(d) clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the relevant personnel;
(e) have quick-reference contact details of the relevant personnel;
(f) be regularly tested through practical exercises involving the relevant personnel; and
(g) be periodically reviewed and updated, when necessary, to maintain its effectiveness.
4. Emergency situations, response activation, procedures, and checklists
4.1. The ERP should define the criteria for identifying emergency situations, and for identifying the main emergency situations that are likely to increase the level of harm (escalating effect) if no action is taken.
4.2. The identified emergency situations should at least include those where one or more UA are operated by the UAS operator and have the potential to:
(a) harm one or more persons;
(b) hit a ground vehicle, building, or facility where there are one or more persons who might be injured as a consequence of the UA impact;
(c) harm critical infrastructure;
(d) start a fire that might propagate;
(e) release dangerous substances;
(f) hit an aircraft that carries people and/or whose crash might lead to one or more of the situations listed in (a) to (e); and
(g) cause the UA to leave the operational volume and fly beyond the limits of:
(1) the ground risk buffer; and/or
(2) the air risk buffer (if existing), or enter adjacent airspace where there is a risk of collision with manned aircraft.
4.3. The ERP should establish the criteria for the activation of the respective emergency response procedures to address the identified emergency situations.
4.4. The ERP should consider the following principles for prioritising the actions to respond to an emergency situation:
(a) alert the relevant personnel and entities;
(b) protect the life of those affected or in danger;
(c) give first aid while awaiting the arrival of the emergency services, provided the personnel employed by the UAS operator is qualified for that purpose;
(d) ensure the safety of the emergency responders;
(e) address secondary effects and put in place actions to reduce them (e.g. if the UA crashes on a road, warn the other drivers in the traffic or redirect them accordingly in order to avoid having cars colliding with the crashed UAS);
(f) keep the emergency situation under control or contained;
(g) protect property;
(h) restore the normal situation as soon as practicable;
(i) record the emergency situation and the response to it, and preserve evidence for further investigation;
(j) remove damaged items, unless needed untouched for investigation purposes, and restore the location of the emergency;
(k) debrief the relevant personnel;
(l) prepare any required post-emergency report or notification; and
(m) evaluate the effectiveness of the ERP and update it, if required.
4.5. As a minimum, the ERP should include procedures for:
(a) an orderly transition from the normal phase to the emergency response phase;
(b) the assignment of emergency responsibilities and roles (see point 5);
(c) coordinated action and interaction with other entities to respond to the emergency situation; and
(d) return to normal operation as soon as practicable.
4.6. The ERP should include a procedure for recording the information on the emergency situation and on the subsequent response. That procedure should also cover how to gather information from a third party that reports an emergency situation caused by a UA of the UAS operator.
4.7. The ERP should include procedures for handling hazardous materials in an emergency situation, if applicable.
4.8. The ERP should include checklists that:
(a) are suitable for the identified emergency situations, as per point 4.1;
(b) clearly indicate the sequence of actions and the personnel responsible to carry out those actions; and
(c) provide the contact details of key stakeholders, as per point 5.4.
4.9. The content of the ERP should be kept up to date and reflect all organisational or operational changes that may affect it.
5. Roles, responsibilities, and key points of contact
5.1. The UAS operator should nominate an emergency response manager (ERM) who has the overall responsibility for the emergency response.
5.2. If the UAS operator is not a one-person entity and/or manages external personnel in an emergency response, the UAS operator should establish an emergency response team (ERT) that:
(a) is led by the ERM;
(b) includes a core ERT that comprises persons with a role that implies being directly involved in responding to an emergency situation; and
(c) includes, if applicable, a support ERT that comprises ERT members who support the core ERT in responding to the emergency situation.
5.3. The ERP should provide a clear delineation of the responsibilities in an emergency response, including the duties of the remote pilot(s) and of any other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation.
5.4. The ERP should establish a contact list(s) of key staff, relevant authorities, and entities involved in an emergency response, including:
(a) the full names, roles, responsibilities, and contact details of the ERM and, if applicable, of the ERT members, including their replacement if the nominated persons are unavailable; and
(b) the full names, roles, responsibilities, and contact details of the relevant authorities and entities outside the UAS operator to be contacted in case of emergency; in addition, the single European emergency call number ‘112’ should be indicated as an emergency contact number for UAS operations that are conducted in any of the EASA Member States and in any other State where that number is used99 Chapter 5 Reaction to an emergency call of the European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) Safety Management Toolkit for Non-Complex Operators — Emergency Response Plan — A Template for Industry (2nd edition, October 2014) (…), and the ‘primary accident information sheet’ in its Section 5.1 may be a suitable reference for developing a procedure to indicate how to gather information from a third party on an emergency involving a UA of the UAS operator. Section 6.5 Crisis Log provides an example of a ‘crisis log’ that might be useful for developing a template to record the emergency situation and the response to it..
5.5. The ERP should indicate the person(s) responsible for the emergency response means (refer to point 6.2) and their contact details. The responsible person(s) should ensure that those means are available and usable when needed.
5.6. To ensure a prompt response, the ERM and other ERT members, if applicable, should have direct access to:
(a) the emergency response checklists that are indicated in point 4.8; and
(b) if not included in the checklists referred to in (a), the contact list(s) indicated in point 5.4.
6. Emergency response means
6.1. The ERP should indicate the means to be used by the UAS operator to respond to an emergency, which may include one or more of the following:
(a) facilities, infrastructure, and equipment;
(b) extinguishing means, e.g. fire extinguishers, fireproof portable electronic device (PED) bags;
(c) personal protective equipment, e.g. protective clothing, high-visibility clothing, helmets, goggles, gloves;
(d) medical means, including first-aid kits;
(e) communication means, e.g. phones (landline and mobile), walkie-talkies, aviation radios, internet; and
(f) others.
6.2. The person(s) in charge of the emergency response means should have an updated record of the available means that are indicated in point 6.1, including their number and status (e.g. expiry date of perishable means).
7. ERP validation
7.1. If the UAS operator is a one-person entity and does not manage external personnel in an emergency response, the UAS operator should at least ensure that:
(a) the procedures that are indicated in point 4 cover all the identified emergency situations and that the necessary actions are reflected in the corresponding checklist(s);
(b) the contact details in the list(s) indicated in point 5.4 are up to date; and
(c) the availability of the emergency response means that are indicated in point 6 is checked before conducting any UAS operation, in particular that the communication means to alert the relevant contacts (see point (b)) are operational.
7.2. If the UAS operator is not a one-person entity and/or manages external personnel in an emergency response, in addition to complying with point 7.1, the UAS operator should conduct a tabletop exercise100 Please refer to GM2 ADR.OPS.B.005(c) Aerodrome emergency planning (see AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes), which defines the following three categories of exercises for emergency planning:
(a) full-scale exercises;
(b) partial emergency exercises; and
(c) tabletop exercises. that:
(a) is established in accordance with the criteria that are indicated in the ERP to be considered representative;
(b) is consistent with the ERP training syllabus;
(c) includes sessions where one or more scenarios of the identified emergency situations are discussed by the exercise participants, which should include the relevant ERT members for each of the sessions; all aspects of the ERP should be covered once all sessions of the tabletop exercise have been completed;
(d) is guided by the ERM or any other person designated by the UAS operator to act as a facilitator;
(e) may include the participation of third parties that are identified in the ERP; the participation conditions for those third parties should be indicated in the ERP; and
(f) is performed with the periodicity that is indicated in the ERP.
However, if the UAS operator is a one-person entity and does not manage external personnel in an emergency response, a tabletop exercise may not be appropriate as the participation of third parties is not required. In such case, the conditions of point 7.1 are deemed sufficient and proportionate to the level of simplicity of the operator and, in principle, of the UAS operations.
For UAS operators with a more complex structure as well as for complex UAS operations, the tabletop exercises may need to be complemented with partial emergency exercises and/or full-scale exercises, including the corresponding drills. If the level of robustness that is required or claimed for the ERP is high, such exercises and drills are needed.
7.3. If the level of robustness of the ERP is high:
(a) the ERP and its effectiveness with respect to limiting the number of people at risk should be validated by the competent authority itself or by an entity designated by the competent authority;
(b) the UAS operator should coordinate and agree on the ERP with all third parties that are identified in the plan; and
(c) the representativeness of the tabletop exercise is validated by the competent authority that issues the authorisation or by an entity that is designated by that competent authority.
7.4. After following the procedures that are described in the ERP in a real emergency situation, the UAS operator should conduct an analysis of the way the emergency was managed and verify the effectiveness of the ERP.
8. ERP training
8.1. The UAS operator should provide relevant personnel, and in particular ERT members, with ERP training.
8.2. The UAS operator should develop a training syllabus that covers all the elements of the ERP.
8.3. The UAS operator should compile and keep up to date a record of the ERP training that is completed by the relevant personnel.
8.4. The competent authority that issues the authorisation or an entity that is designated by that competent authority should verify the competencies of the relevant personnel if the level of assurance that is required or claimed for the ERP is high.
A non-exhaustive list of topics to be considered by the UAS operator when compiling some chapters of the OM is provided below:
‘1.2 System for amendment and revision of the OM’
(a) A description of the system for indicating changes and of the methodology for recording effective pages and effectivity dates; and
(b) Details of the person(s) responsible for the revisions and their publication.
‘2 Description of the UAS operator’s organisation’
(a) The organisational structure and designated individuals. Description of the operator’s organisational structure, including an organisational chart showing the different departments, if any (e.g. flight/ground operations, operational safety, maintenance, training, etc.) and the head of each department;
(b) Duties and responsibilities of the management personnel; and
(c) Duties and responsibilities of remote pilots and other members of the organisation involved in the operations (e.g. payload operator, ground assistant, maintenance technician, etc.).
‘3.4 Competency, duties and responsibilities of personnel involved in the operations such as the remote pilot, UA observer, VO, supervisor, controller, operations manager etc.’
(a) Theoretical, practical (and medical) requirements for operating UAS in compliance with the applicable regulation;
(b) Training and check programme for the personnel in charge of the preparation and/or performance of the UAS operations, as well as for the VOs, when applicable;
(c) Training and refresher training records; and
(d) Precautions and guidelines involving the health of the personnel, including precautions pertaining to environmental conditions in the area of operation (policy on consumption of alcohol, narcotics and drugs, sleep aids and anti-depressants, medication and vaccination, fatigue, flight and duty period limitations, stress and rest, etc.).
‘5.1 General procedures valid for all operations’:
(a) Consideration of the following to minimise human errors:
(1) a clear distribution and assignment of tasks; and
(2) an internal checklist to check that staff are properly performing their assigned tasks.
(b) Consideration of the deterioration of external systems supporting the UAS operation; in order to assist in the identification of procedures related to the deterioration of external systems supporting the UAS operation, it is recommended to:
(1) identify the external systems supporting the operation;
(2) describe the deterioration modes of these external systems which would prevent the operator maintaining a safe operation of the UAS (e.g. complete loss of GNSS, drift of the GNSS, latency issues, etc.);
(3) describe the means put in place to detect the deterioration modes of the external systems; and
(4) describe the procedure(s) in place once a deterioration mode of one of the external systems is detected (e.g. activation of the emergency recovery capability, switch to manual control, etc.).
(c) Coordination between the remote pilot(s) and other personnel;
(d) Methods to exercise operational control; and
(e) Pre-flight preparation and checklists. These include, but are not limited to, the following points:
(1) The site of the operation:
(i) the assessment of the area of operation and the surrounding area, including, for example, the terrain and potential obstacles and obstructions for keeping a VLOS of the UA, potential overflight of uninvolved persons, potential overflight of critical infrastructure (a risk assessment of the critical infrastructure should be performed in cooperation with the responsible organisationfor the infrastructure, as they are most knowledgeable of the threats)
(ii) the assessment of the surrounding environment and airspace, including, for example, the proximity of restricted zones and potential activities by other airspace users;
(iii) when UA VOs are used, the assessment of the compliance between visibility and planned range, the potential terrain obstruction, and the potential gaps between the zones covered by each of the UA VOs; and
(iv) the class of airspace and other aircraft operations (local aerodromes or operating sites, restrictions, permissions).
(2) Environmental and weather conditions:
(i) environmental and weather conditions adequate to conduct the UAS operation; and
(ii) methods of obtaining weather forecasts.
(3) Coordination with third parties, if applicable (e.g. requests for additional permits from various agencies and the military when operating, for example, in environmentally protected areas, areas restricted to photographic flights, near critical infrastructure, in urban areas, emergency situations, etc.);
(4) the minimum number of crew members required to perform the operation, and their responsibilities;
(5) the required communication procedures between the personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation, and with external parties when needed;
(6) compliance with any specific requirement from the relevant authorities in the intended area of operations, including those related to security, privacy, data and environmental protection, use of the RF spectrum; also considering cross-border operations (specific local requirements) when applicable;
(7) the required risk mitigations put in place to ensure the operation is safely conducted (e.g. a controlled ground area, securing the controlled ground area to avoid third parties entering the area during the operation, and ensuring coordination with the local authorities when needed, etc.); and
(8) procedures to verify that the UAS is in a condition to safely conduct the intended operation (e.g. update of geographical zones data for geo-awareness or geo-fencing systems; definition and upload of lost link contingency automatic procedures; battery status, loading and securing the payload;).
(f) Launch and recovery procedures;
(g) In-flight procedures (operating instructions for the UA (reference to or duplication of information from the manufacturer’s manual); instructions on how to keep the UA within the flight geography, how to determine the best flight route; obstacles in the area, height; congested environments, keeping the UA in the planned volume);
(h) Post-flight procedures, including the inspections to verify the condition of the UAS;
(i) Procedures for the detection of potentially conflicting aircraft by the remote pilot and, when required by the UAS operator, UA VOs; and
(j) Dangerous goods (limitations on their nature, quantity and packaging; acceptance prior to loading, inspecting packages for any evidence of leakage or damage).
‘5.2 Procedures peculiar to a single operation’
(a) Procedures to cope with the UA leaving the desired ‘flight geography’;
(b) Procedures to cope with the UA entering the ‘containment’ volume;
(c) Procedures to cope with uninvolved persons entering the controlled ground area, if applicable;
(d) Procedures to cope with adverse operating conditions (e.g. in case icing is encountered during the operation, if the operation is not approved for icing conditions);
(e) Procedures to cope with the deterioration of external systems supporting the operation. In order to help properly identify the procedures related to the deterioration of external systems supporting the UAS operation, it is recommended to:
(1) identify the external systems supporting the operation;
(2) describe the deterioration modes of these external systems which would prevent the operator maintaining a safe operation of the UAS (e.g. complete loss of GNSS, drift of the GNSS, latency issues, etc.);
(3) describe the means put in place to detect the deterioration modes of the external systems; and
(4) describe the procedure(s) in place once a deterioration mode of one of the external systems is detected (e.g. activation of the emergency recovery capability, switch to manual control, etc.).
(f) De-confliction scheme (i.e. the criteria that will be applied for the decision to avoid incoming traffic). In cases where the detection is performed by UA VOs, the phraseology to be used.
‘6 Emergency procedures’
(a) Procedures to avoid or, at least minimise, harm to third parties in the air or on the ground. With regard to the air risk, an avoidance strategy to minimise the collision risk with another airspace user (in particular, an aircraft with people on board); and
(b) Procedures for the emergency recovery of the UA (e.g. landing immediately, termination of the flight with FTS or a controlled crash/splash, etc.).
‘7. Emergency response plan (ERP)’
UAS.SPEC.040 Issuing of an operational authorisation
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
(1) When receiving an application in accordance with point UAS.SPEC.030, the competent authority shall issue, without undue delay, an operational authorisation in accordance with Article 12 when it concludes that the operation meets the following conditions:
(a) all information in accordance with point (3) of point UAS.SPEC.030 is provided;
(b) a procedure is in place for coordination with the relevant service provider for the airspace if the entire operation, or part of it, is to be conducted in controlled airspace.
(2) The competent authority shall specify in the operational authorisation the exact scope of the authorisation in accordance with Article 12.
The competent authority should produce the operational authorisation according to the following form:
Operational authorisation for the ‘specific’ category |
1. Authority that issues the authorisation |
1.1 1 Issuing authority |
1.2 Point of contact Name Telephone |
2. UAS operator data |
2.1 UAS operator registration number |
2.2 UAS operator name |
2.3 Point of contact Name Telephone |
3. Authorised operation |
3.1 Authorised location(s) |
3.2 Extent of the adjacent area |
____ km |
3.3 Risk assessment reference and revision |
SORA version __ |
3.4 Level of assurance and integrity |
3.5 Type of operation |
3.6 Transport of dangerous goods |
Yes |
3.7 Ground risk characterisation |
3.7.1 Operational area |
3.7.2 Adjacent area |
3.8 Ground risk mitigations |
3.8.1 Strategic mitigations |
No |
3.8.2 ERP |
No |
3.9 Height limit of the operational volume |
_____ m (______ ft) |
3.10 Residual air risk level |
3.10.1 Operational volume |
ARC-a |
3.10.2. Adjacent volume |
ARC-a |
3.11 Air risk mitigations |
3.11.1 Strategic mitigations |
No If yes, please describe _________________ |
3.11.2 Tactical mitigation methods |
3.12 Achieved level of containment |
Basic |
3.13 Remote pilot competency |
3.14 Competency of staff, other than the remote pilot, essential for the safety of the operation |
3.15 Type of events to be reported to the competent authority (in addition to those required by Regulation (EU) No 376/2014) |
3.16 Insurance |
No |
3.17 Operations manual reference |
3.18 Compliance evidence file reference |
3.19 Remarks / additional limitations |
4. Data of authorised UAS |
4.1 Manufacturer |
4.2 Model |
4.3 Type of UAS |
Multirotor Lighter than air / other |
4.4 Maximum characteristic dimensions |
_____ m |
4.5 Take-off mass |
_____ kg |
4.6 Maximum speed |
_____ m/s (_____ kt) |
4.7 Additional technical requirements |
4.8 Serial number or, if applicable, UA registration mark |
4.9 Number of type certificate (TC) or design verification report, if required |
4.10 Number of the certificate of airworthiness (CofA), if required |
4.11 Number of the noise certificate, if required |
4.12 Mitigation to reduce effect of ground impact |
Required to reduce the ground risk |
4.13 Technical requirements for containment |
Basic |
5. Remarks |
6. Operational authorisation |
6.1 Operational authorisation number |
6.2 Expiry date |
Signature and stamp |
Instructions for filling in the operational authorisation form
1.1 Name of the competent authority that issues the operational authorisation, including the name of the State.
1.2 Contact details of the competent authority staff responsible for the file.
2.1 UAS operator registration number in accordance with Article 14 of the UAS Regulation.
2.2 UAS operator’s name, as registered in the UAS operator registration database.
2.3 Contact details of the person responsible for the UAS operation, in charge to answer possible operational questions raised by the competent authority.
3.1 Location(s) where the UAS operator is authorised to operate. The identification of the location(s) should contain the full operational volume and ground risk buffer (the red line in Figure 2). Depending on the initial ground and air risk and on the application of mitigation measures, the location(s) may be ‘generic’ or ‘precise’ (refer to GM2 UAS.SPEC.030(2)). When the UAS operation is conducted in a MS other than the State of registration, the competent authority of the MS of registration should specify the location(s) only after receiving confirmation from the State of operation, according to Article 13 of the UAS Regulation.
Figure 2 — Operational area and ground risk buffer
3.2 Provide the maximum distance in km to be considered for the adjacent area, starting from the limits of the ground risk buffer.
3.3 Select one of the three options. If the SORA is used, indicate the version. In case a PDRA is used, indicate the number and its revision. In case a risk assessment methodology is used other than the SORA, provide its reference. In this last case, the UAS operator should demonstrate that the methodology complies with Article 11 of the UAS Regulation.
3.4 If the risk methodology used is the SORA, indicate the final SAIL of the operation, otherwise the equivalent information provided by the risk assessment methodology used.
3.5 Select one of the two options.
3.6 Select one of the two options.
3.7 Characterise the ground risk (i.e. density of overflown population density, expressed in persons per km2, if available, or ‘controlled ground area’, ‘sparsely populated area’, ‘populated area’, ‘gatherings of people’) for both the operational and the adjacent area.
3.8.1 Select one of the four options. In case the risk assessment is based on the SORA, this consists in M1 mitigation.
3.8.2 Select one of the four options. In case the risk assessment is based on the SORA, this consists in M3 mitigation.
3.9. Insert the maximum flight altitude, expressed in metres and feet in parentheses, of the approved operational volume (adding the air risk buffer, if applicable) using the AGL reference when the upper limit is below 150 m (492 ft), or use the MSL reference when the upper limit is above 150 m (492 ft).
3.10 Select one of the four options.
3.11.1 Select one of the two options.
3.11.2 Describe the tactical mitigation methods to be applied by the UAS operator.
3.12 Select one of the two options.
3.13 Specify the type of the remote pilot certificate, if required; otherwise, indicate ‘Declared’.
3.14 Specify the type of the certificate for the staff, other than the remote pilot, essential for the safety of the operation, if required; otherwise, indicate ‘Declared’.
3.15 List the type of events that the UAS operator should report to the competent authority, in addition to those required by Regulation (EU) No 376/2014, if applicable.
3.16 Select one of the two options.
3.17 Indicate the OM’s identification and revision number.
3.18 Indicate the compliance evidence file identification and revision number.
3.19 Additional limitations defined by the competent authority.
4. Only the UAS features/characteristics required to be used for the operation should be identified in the form (e.g. in case the UAS qualifies for enhanced containment but the operation requires a basic containment, and the operator developed consistent procedures, then the basic containment should be ticked).
4.1 Name of the manufacturer of the UAS.
4.2 Model of the UAS as defined by the manufacturer.
4.3 Select one of the five options.
4.4 Indicate the maximum dimensions of the UA in metres (e.g. for aeroplanes: the length of the wingspan; for helicopters: the diameter of the propellers; for multirotors: the maximum distance between the tips of two opposite propellers) as used in the risk assessment to identify the ground risk.
4.5 Indicate the maximum value, expressed in kg, of the UA take-off mass (TOM), at which the UAS operation may be operated. All flights should then be operated not exceeding that TOM. The TOM maybe be different from (however, not higher than) the MTOM defined by the UAS manufacturer.
4.6 Maximum cruise airspeed, expressed in m/s and kt in parentheses, as defined in the manufacturer’s instructions.
4.7 List any additional technical requirements established by the competent authority.
4.8 Unique serial number (SN) of the UA defined by the manufacturer according to standard ANSI/CTA‑2063‑A‑2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019, or the UA registration mark if the UA is registered. In case of privately built UAS or UAS not equipped with a unique SN, insert the unique SN of the remote identification system.
4.9 Include the EASA TC number, or the UAS design verification report number issued by EASA, as required by the competent authority.
4.10 If a UAS with an EASA TC is required, the UAS should have a certificate of airworthiness (CofA), and the competent authority should require compliance with the continuing airworthiness rules.
4.11 If a UAS with an EASA TC is required, the UAS should have a noise certificate.
4.12 Select one of the four options of the first row. In case the risk assessment is based on the SORA, this consists in M2 mitigation. Even if the UAS may be equipped with such system, this mitigation may not be required in the operation to reduce the ground risk. In this case, in the second row select ‘NO’. If the mitigation is instead used to reduce the ground risk, select ‘YES’ and the operator is required to include in the OM the related procedures.
4.13 Select one of the two options.
5 Free-text field for the addition of any relevant remark.
6.1 Reference number of the operational authorisation, as issued by the competent authority. The number should have the following format:
— ‘NNN’ is the ISO 3166 Alpha-3 code of the Member State that issues the operational authorisation;
— ‘OAT’ is a fixed field meaning ‘operational authorisation’;
— ‘xxxxx’ are up to 12 alphanumeric characters defining the operational authorisation number; and
— ‘yyy’ are 3 alphanumeric characters defining the revision number of the operational authorisation; each amendment of the operational authorisation will determine a new revision number.
6.2 The duration of the operational authorisation may be unlimited; in this case, indicate ‘Unlimited’. The authorisation will be valid for as long as the UAS operator complies with the relevant requirements of the UAS Regulation and with the conditions defined in the operational authorisation.
Note 1: In section 4, more than one UAS may be listed. If needed, the fields may be duplicated.
Note 2: The signature and stamp may be provided in electronic form. The quick response (QR) code should provide the link to the national database where the operational authorisation is stored.
In order to facilitate mutual recognition in cases of cross-border operations, the competent authority should produce an English version of the operational authorisation.
UAS.SPEC.050 Responsibilities of the UAS operator
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1166
(1) The UAS operator shall comply with all of the following:
(a) establish procedures and limitations adapted to the type of the intended operation and the risk involved, including:
(i) operational procedures to ensure the safety of the operations;
(ii) procedures to ensure that security requirements applicable to the area of operations are complied with in the intended operation;
(iii) measures to protect against unlawful interference and unauthorised access;
(iv) procedures to ensure that all operations are in respect of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In particular it shall carry out a data protection impact assessment, when required by the National Authority for data protection in application of Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679;
(v) guidelines for its remote pilots to plan UAS operations in a manner that minimises nuisances, including noise and other emissions-related nuisances, to people and animals.
(b) designate a remote pilot for each flight or, in the case of autonomous operations, ensure that during all phases of the flight, responsibilities and tasks especially those defined in points (2) and (3) of point UAS.SPEC.060 are properly allocated in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to point (a);
(c) ensure that all operations effectively use and support the efficient use of radio spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference;
(d) ensure that before conducting operations, remote pilots comply with all of the following conditions:
(i) have the competency to perform their tasks in line with the applicable training identified by the operational authorisation or, if point UAS.SPEC.020 applies, by the conditions and limitations defined in the appropriate standard scenario listed in Appendix 1 or as defined by the LUC;
(ii) follow remote pilot training which shall be competency based and include the competencies set out in paragraph 2 of Article 8:
(iii) follow remote pilot training, as defined in the operational authorisation, for operations requiring such authorisation, it shall be conducted in cooperation with an entity designated by the competent authority;
(iv) follow remote pilot training for operations under declaration that shall be conducted in accordance with the mitigation measures defined by the standard scenario;
(v) have been informed about the UAS operator’s operations manual, if required by the risk assessment and procedures established in accordance with point (a);
(vi) obtain updated information relevant to the intended operation about any geographical zones defined in accordance with Article 15;
(e) ensure that personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation, other than the remote pilot itself, comply with all of the following conditions:
(i) have completed the on-the-job-training developed by the operator;
(ii) have been informed about the UAS operator’s operations manual, if required by the risk assessment, and about the procedures established in accordance with point (a);
(iii) have obtained updated information relevant to the intended operation about any geographical zones defined in accordance with Article 15;
(f) carry out each operation within the limitations, conditions, and mitigation measures defined in the declaration or specified in the operational authorisation;
(g) keep and maintain an up-to-date record of:
(i) all the relevant qualifications and training courses completed by the remote pilot and the other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation and by the maintenance staff, for at least 3 years after those persons have ceased employment with the organisation or have changed their position in the organisation;
(ii) the maintenance activities conducted on the UAS for a minimum of 3 years;
(iii) the information on UAS operations, including any unusual technical or operational occurrences and other data as required by the declaration or by the operational authorisation for a minimum of 3 years;
(h) use UAS which, as a minimum, are designed in such a manner that a possible failure will not lead the UAS to fly outside the operation volume or to cause a fatality. In addition, Man Machine interfaces shall be such to minimise the risk of pilot error and shall not cause unreasonable fatigue;
(i) maintain the UAS in a suitable condition for safe operation by:
(i) as a minimum, defining maintenance instructions and employing an adequately trained and qualified maintenance staff; and
(ii) complying with point UAS.SPEC.100, if required;
(iii) using an unmanned aircraft which is designed to minimise noise and other emissions, taking into account the type of the intended operations and geographical areas where the aircraft noise and other emissions are of concern.
(j) establish and keep an up-to-date list of the designated remote pilots for each flight;
(k) establish and keep an up-to-date list of the maintenance staff employed by the operator to carry out maintenance activities; and
(l) ensure that each individual unmanned aircraft is installed with:
(i) at least one green flashing light for the purpose of visibility of the unmanned aircraft at night, and
(ii) an active and up-to-date remote identification system.
(a) The UAS operator should develop procedures as required by the standard scenario (STS) or by the operational authorisation.
(b) If a UAS operator employs more than one remote pilot, the UAS operator should:
(1) develop procedures for UAS operations in order to coordinate the activities between its employees; and
(2) compile and maintain a list of their personnel and their assigned duties.
(c) The UAS operator should allocate functions and responsibilities in accordance with the level of autonomy of the UAS during the operation.
The UAS operator should develop operational procedures based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, if available.
When the UAS operator is required to develop an OM in accordance with point UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e), the procedures should be included in that manual.
GM1 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(a)(iv) Responsibilities of the UAS operator
ED Decision 2019/021/R
The UAS operator is responsible for complying with any applicable European Union and national rules, in particular, with regard to privacy, data protection, liability, insurance, security and environmental protection.
This GM has the purpose of providing guidance to the UAS operator to help them to identify and describe the procedures to ensure that the UAS operations are in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Description of the procedures established by the UAS operator |
1. Identify the privacy risks1 that the intended operation may create |
2. Define your role with respect to personal data collection and processing |
I am the (joint) data controller I am the (joint) data processor |
3. Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) |
Have you assessed the need to perform a DPIA: Yes No If yes, do you have to perform a DPIA? Yes No - If yes, did you perform a DPIA? Yes No |
4. Describe the measures you are taking to ensure data subjects are aware that their data may be collected6 |
5. Describe the measures you are taking to minimise the personal data you are collecting or to avoid collecting personal data7 |
6. Describe the procedure established to store the personal data and limit access to it |
7. Describe the measures taken to ensure that data subjects can exercise their right to access, correction, objection and erasure |
8. Additional information |
1. For guidance regarding the identification of the privacy risks of your operation, please check:
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 1 — Privacy risks in context; and
— The DR PRO Privacy-by-Design Guide: Privacy risks and safeguards in drone manufacturing (page 10).
2. For more information about definitions of personal data, please check:
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 2 – What is personal data? and
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct: 3. Glossary.
‘Data controller’ means that you make decisions about what personal data is collected and how it is collected, processed and stored.
‘Data processor’ means that you follow instructions from another entity on collecting, processing and storing personal data.
For more information about your potential role as data controller or data processor, you can check:
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 2 – Data protection Roles; and
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct for the responsibilities of data controllers.
3. For more information about when and how to conduct data protection impact assessments please check:
— The DR PRO Data Protection Impact Assessment template
4. For more information about how to inform data subjects about your activities you can check:
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct: 4.3.2 Act visibly and transparently;
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 3 – Carry out your operation; and
— The DR PRO Pre-flight checklist (the link is temporary unavailable)
5. For more information about the data minimisation principle, please check:
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct: 4.3.1 Minimise the impact on people’s privacy and data protection;
— The DR PRO Privacy-by-Design Guide: Drone Privacy Enhancing Software Features; and
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 3 – Risk mitigation strategies.
6. For guidance on the secure storage and access to personal data, please check:
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct: 4.4.2 Handle data securely;
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 2 – How should personal data be handled? and
— The DR PRO Privacy-by-Design Guide: Drone Privacy Enhancing Software Features.
7. For more information about the rights of data subjects, please check:
— The DR PRO Privacy Code of Conduct: 4.3.3 Respect the rights of individuals; and
— The DR PRO online training course (the link is temporary unavailable): Module 2 – How should individuals be treated?
GM1 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(b) Responsibilities of the UAS operator
The concept of autonomy, its levels and human-autonomous system interactions are currently being discussed in various domains (not only in aviation), and no common understanding has yet been reached. Guidance will therefore be provided once this concept is mature and globally accepted.
Nevertheless, the risk assessment of autonomous operations should ensure, as for any other operations, that the risk is mitigated to an acceptable level.
Besides, it is expected that autonomous operations or operations with a high level of autonomy will be subject to authorisation and will not be covered by STSs until enough experience is gained.
(a) The ‘specific’ category may cover a wide range of UAS operations with different levels of risk and a wide range of UAS designs, in particular in terms of level of automation. The following guidelines may, therefore, have to be adapted considering the level of automation and the level of involvement of the remote pilot in the management of the flight. The UAS operator is, therefore, required to identify the competency required for the remote pilot according to the outcome of the risk assessment. This AMC covers the theoretical knowledge subjects while AMC2 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d) covers the practical knowledge subjects applicable to all UAS operations in the ‘specific’ category. In addition, for both theoretical and practical knowledge subjects, the UAS operator should select the relevant additional modules from AMC3 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d), as applicable to the type of the intended UAS operation. The UAS operator should achieve a level of robustness consistent with the assurance integrity level (e.g. SAIL) of the intended UAS operation.
(b) Additional topics to cover areas under national competence, such as national regulations for security, privacy and data protection, may be added by the national competent authority. In case of operations conducted in a MS other the State of registration, these additional topics may be defined as local conditions required by the MS of operation.
(c) When the UAS operation is conducted according to one of the STSs that are listed in Appendix 1 to the Annex of the UAS Regulation, the UAS operator should ensure that the remote pilot has the competency that is defined in the STSs. In all other cases, the UAS operator should propose to the competent authority, as part of the application, a theoretical knowledge training course for the remote pilot based on the elements that are listed in AMC1 UAS.OPEN.020(4)(b), in UAS.OPEN.040(3), in AMC1 UAS.OPEN.030(2)(c) and in Attachment A to the Annex of the UAS Regulation, which are relevant for the intended operation, complemented by the elements listed below. The UAS operator may use the same listed topics to propose also for the personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation a theoretical knowledge training course with competency-based theoretical training specific to the duties of that personnel.
(1) Aviation safety:
(i) remote pilot records;
(ii) logbooks and associated documentation;
(iii) good airmanship principles;
(iv) aeronautical decision-making;
(v) ground safety;
(vi) air safety;
(vii) air proximity reporting; and
(viii) advanced airmanship:
(A) manoeuvres and emergency procedures; and
(B) general information on unusual conditions (e.g. stalls, spins, vertical lift limitations, autorotation, vortex ring states).
(2) Aviation regulations:
(i) introduction to the UAS Regulation with focus on the ‘specific’ category;
(ii) risk assessment, introduction to the SORA; and
(iii) overview of the STSs and the PDRA.
(3) Navigation:
(i) navigational aids (e.g. GNSS) and their limitations;
(ii) reading maps and aeronautical charts (e.g. 1:500 000 and 1:250 000, interpretation, specialised charts, helicopter routes, U-space service areas, and understanding of basic terms); and
(iii) vertical navigation (e.g. reference altitudes and heights, altimetry).
(4) Human performance limitations:
(i) perception (situational awareness in BVLOS operations);
(ii) fatigue:
(A) flight duration within work hours;
(B) circadian rhythm;
(C) work stress;
(D) vision problems; and
(E) commercial pressure;
(iii) attentiveness:
(A) eliminating distractions; and
(B) scan techniques;
(iv) medical fitness (health precautions, alcohol, drugs, medication, etc.); and
(v) environmental factors such as vision changes from orientation to the sun.
(5) Airspace operating principles:
(i) airspace classifications and operating principles;
(ii) U-space;
(iii) procedures for airspace reservation;
(iv) aeronautical information publications (AIPs); and
(v) NOTAMs.
(6) General knowledge of UASs and external systems that support the operation of UASs:
(i) differences between autonomy levels (e.g. automatic versus autonomous operations);
(ii) loss of signal and system failure protocols — understanding the condition and planning for programmed responses such as returning to home, loiter, landing immediately;
(iii) equipment to mitigate air and ground risks (e.g. flight termination systems);
(iv) flight control modes;
(v) the means to monitor the UA (its position, height, speed, C2 link, systems status, etc.);
(vi) the means of communication with the VOs; and
(vii) the means to support air traffic awareness.
(7) Meteorology:
(i) obtaining and interpreting advanced weather information:
(A) weather reporting resources;
(B) reports;
(C) forecasts and meteorological conventions appropriate for typical UAS flight operations;
(D) local weather assessments (including sea breeze, sea breeze front, and urban heat island);
(E) low-level charts; and
(ii) regional weather effects — standard weather patterns in coastal, mountain or desert terrains; and
(iii) weather effects on the UA (wind, storms, mist, variation of wind with altitude, wind shear, etc.).
(8) Technical and operational mitigation measures for air risks:
(i) operations for which airspace observers (AOs) are employed; and
(ii) principles of detect and avoid (DAA).
(9) Operational procedures:
(i) mission planning, airspace considerations, and site risk assessment:
(A) measures to comply with the limitations and conditions applicable to the operational volume and to the ground risk buffer for the intended UAS operation;
(B) UAS operations over a controlled ground area;
(C) BVLOS operations;
(D) use of UA VOs;
(E) importance of on-site inspections, operation planning, pre-flight and operating procedures;
(ii) multi-crew cooperation (MCC):
(A) coordination between the remote pilot and other personnel (e.g. AOs) in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation;
(B) crew resource management (CRM):
(a) effective leadership;
(b) working with others.
(10) Managing data sources regarding:
(i) where to obtain the data from;
(ii) the security of the data;
(iii) the quantity of the data needed; and
(iv) the impact on the storage of data
(c) emergency response plan (ERP) — the UAS operator should provide its personnel with competency-based theoretical training covering the ERP that includes the related proficiency requirements and recurrent training.
(d) Both the training and the assessment should be appropriate to the level of automation of the intended UAS operation.
AMC2 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d) and UAS.SPEC.050(1)(e) Responsibilities of the UAS operator
ED Decision 2022/002/R
(a) Regarding the practical-skills training and assessment for the remote pilot, the UAS operator should consider the competencies that are defined in AMC2 UAS.OPEN.030(2)(b), complemented by the items listed below. The UAS operator should adapt the practical-skills training to the characteristics of the intended UAS operation and the functions available on the UAS. The UAS operator may use the same listed topics and may provide a practical training course also for all other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation. Appropriate simulators may be used to conduct some or all the tasks.
(1) Preparation of the UAS operation:
(i) implement the necessary measures to comply with the limitations and conditions applicable to the operational volume and to the ground risk buffer for the intended UAS operation in accordance with the OM procedures;
(ii) follow the necessary procedures for UAS operations in controlled airspace, including a protocol to communicate with the ATC and obtain clearance and instructions, if necessary;
(iii) confirm that all necessary documents for the intended UAS operation are on-site;
(iv) brief all participants on the planned UAS operation;
(v) perform visual airspace scanning; and
(vi) if AOs are employed, place them appropriately and brief them on the deconfliction scheme that includes phraseology.
(2) Preparation for the flight:
(i) ensure that all safety systems and functions, if installed on the UAS, including its height and speed limitation systems, flight termination system, and triggering system, are operational; and
(ii) know the basic actions to be taken in the event of an emergency, including issues with the UAS, or a mid-air collision hazard arising during the flight.
(3) Flight under abnormal conditions:
(i) manage a partial or a complete power shortage of the UA propulsion system, while ensuring the safety of third parties on the ground;
(ii) manage a situation of a non-involved person entering the operational volume or the controlled ground area, and take appropriate measures to maintain safety; and
(iii) react to, and take the appropriate corrective actions for, a situation where the UA is likely to exceed the limits of both the flight geography (contingency procedures) and of the operational volume (emergency procedures) as they were defined during the flight preparation.
(4) In general, emphasis should be placed on the following:
(i) normal, contingency, and emergency procedures;
(ii) skill tests combined with periodic proficiency checks;
(iii) operational experience (with on-the-job training counting towards proficiency);
(iv) pre-flight and post-flight procedures and documentation;
(v) recurrent training (UAS / flight training device (FTD)); and
(vi) remote pilot incapacitation.
(b) The practical-skills training may be conducted with the UAS or on an FTD. Scenario-based training (SBT) with highly structured, real-world experience scripts for the intended UAS operation should be used to fortify personnel’s learning in an operational environment and improve situational awareness. SBT should include realistic normal, abnormal, and emergency scenarios that are drafted considering specific learning objectives.
(c) The practical-skills training is checked during the assessment and can be provided using the actual UAS or an FTD appropriate to the intended UAS operation.
(d) Initial and recurrent training
(1) The UAS operator should ensure that specified minimum requirements regarding the time of the initial and recurrent training (e.g. duration and number of flight hours) are provided for in a manner that is acceptable and approved by the competent authority.
(2) Depending on the training course, each of the topics shown in Table 1 below may require only overview training or in-depth training. In-depth training should be interactive and should include discussions, case-study reviews, and role play, as deemed necessary to enhance learning. In case of change or update of the SW/HW of the UAS, depending on the size of the changes, the UAS operator should define the level of training.
Topic |
Initial training |
Change of UAS |
Change of remote pilot/crew |
Recurrent training |
Situational awareness and error management |
In-depth |
In-depth |
Overview |
Overview |
Organisational safety culture, operational procedures, and organisational structure |
In-depth |
Not required |
In-depth |
Overview |
Stress management, fatigue, and vigilance |
In-depth |
Not required |
Not required |
Overview |
Decision-making |
In-depth |
Overview |
Not required |
Overview |
Automation and philosophy of the use of automation |
As required |
In-depth |
In-depth |
As required |
Specific UAS type-related differences |
As required |
In-depth |
Not required for the same UAS type) |
As required |
Case-based studies |
In-depth |
In-depth |
In-depth |
As required |
Table 1 — Level of the practical-skills training in several topics depending on initial training,
recurrent training, or change of UAS / remote pilot / remote crew
AMC3 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d) Responsibilities of the UAS operator
ED Decision 2022/002/R
Depending on the type and risk of the intended UAS operation, the UAS operator may propose, as part of the application for an operational authorisation, additional theoretical knowledge training in combination with the practical-skills training that is specific to the intended UAS operation as described in the OM.
The practical-skills training should at least contain the practical competencies that are described in AMC2 UAS.OPEN.030(2)(b) ‘UAS operations in subcategory A2’, which may include relevant emergency and contingency procedures. However, the UAS operator may adapt that training to the level of automation of the UAS.
During the practical-skills training, the remote pilot should list the relevant emergency and contingency procedures, which are defined in the OM and are peculiar to flight over known populated areas or over assemblies of people or increased air risk, in a given area of operation, and should describe the basic conditions for each kind of emergency as well as the related recovery techniques to be applied during flight for the emergencies that are defined in the OM. Depending on the criticality of the situation and on the available time to react, the remote pilot should memorise some procedures, while for other procedures, they may consult a checklist. The emergency and contingency procedures may involve also other personnel; in that case, the UAS operator should define the practical-skills training needed for them.
The remote pilot only needs to complete the relevant operation-specific endorsement modules that reflect the intended UAS operation. For example, in case of transport of cargo, the remote pilot should complete the related training module ‘Transport and/or dropping of cargo’; however, if the cargo contains dangerous goods, then the remote pilot should also complete the training module ‘Transport of dangerous goods’.
The assurance level of the operation-specific endorsement modules is determined by the related assurance integrity level (e.g. SAIL) according to the respective specific operational risk assessment.
Relevant UAS operation-specific endorsement modules should be reflected in the documentation of the remote pilot’s competencies.
The following UAS operation-specific endorsement modules and the areas to be covered are recommended:
(a) night operations;
(b) overflight (flight over known populated areas or over assemblies of people);
(c) BVLOS operations;
(d) low-altitude (below 500 ft) operations;
(e) flights in non-segregated airspace;
(f) transport and/or dropping of cargo;
(g) transport of dangerous goods;
(h) operations with multiple UASs and swarms;
(i) UA launch and recovery using special equipment;
(j) flying over mountainous terrain.
Note: The ‘Rationale’ in grey-font italics under the ‘Learning objectives’ column is provided for explanatory purposes and does not form part of the proposed rule text.
Operation-specific endorsement modules |
Areas to be covered |
Learning objectives |
Night operations |
General |
Recognise the meaning of the definition of ‘night’ or other similar wording that is used for night flight. Rationale: In Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the ‘Aircrew Regulation’), ‘night’ for manned aviation ‘means the period between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority’. Some national laws use the sunset and sunrise times for the definition of a night flight. ‘Sunset’ is defined as the daily disappearance of the upper limb of the sun below the horizon. This time depends on the latitude and longitude of the viewpoint. There are many websites and apps to find out the sunset and sunrise times at a specific location. Recognise the benefits of illuminating the operational area, especially during the critical phases of take-off and landing. Recognise that during night flight it is hard to estimate the distance between the UA and other obstacles if visibility is only ensured by the lights of the UA. Recognise that a visual obstacle avoidance system may be less accurate in night-time operations. Understand that if the sight of the UA is lost at night, return-to-home (RTH) should be immediately followed. Rationale: During daytime, it is sometimes difficult to see the position of the UA, which is even more difficult at night. Recognise that an infrared radiation (IR) camera allows one to see enough at night. Turning off the front green flashing light might improve the view because there will be no reflection in the on-board camera. Recognise that the IR camera does not help in case of rain/humidity, and that the IR visibility significantly decreases. Explain the use of the green flashing light at night. Explain the use of navigation lights, position lights, anti-collision lights, and other lights for UA controllability. Explain the use of lights (e.g. navigation, position, or anti-collision lights) for recognising the presence of manned aircraft. Rationale: Those lights show where the UA is positioned and the direction in which the UA is aligned. For manned aircraft, a red navigation light is located on the leading edge of the left-wing tip and a green navigation light on the leading edge of the rightwing tip (for helicopters, on the left and right sides of the cockpit). A white navigation light is positioned on the tail as far aft as possible. High-intensity strobe lights are also located in those positions. They are used as anti-collision lights and flash twice after a short break. A red rotating beacon is also part of the anti-collision lights. |
Degradation of visual acuity |
Recognise that flying the UA at night degrades visual perception. Recognise night myopia, caused by the increasing pupil size. At low-light levels, without distant objects to focus on, the focusing mechanism of the eye may go to a resting myopic position. If night-vision goggles are used, know how they function. |
Night illusions |
Define the term ‘night illusion’. Recognise and overcome visual illusions that are caused by darkness, and understand the physiological conditions that may degrade night vision. State the limitations of night vision techniques at night and by day. |
Altered visual-scanning techniques |
State the limitations of the different visual-scanning techniques at night and by day. Rationale: Despite the value of electronic means of conflict detection, physical lookout remains an important defence against the loss of visual separation for all types of aircraft. To avoid collisions, the remote pilot should visually scan effectively from the moment the UA starts moving until it comes to a stop at the end of the flight. Collision threats are present everywhere. Before take-off, the remote pilot should visually check the take-off area to ensure that there are no other objects. After take-off, the remote pilot should continue to visually scan to ensure a safe departure of the UA with no obstacles. |
Altered identification of obstacles |
Explain the effect of obstacles on the take-off distance that is required at night. Rationale: The remote pilot should know the flight area where the UA will fly at night. Objects look different and power lines are nearly invisible at night. It is, therefore, advisable that the remote pilot conduct a test flight during the daytime. |
Overflight (flight over known populated areas or over assemblies of people) |
Identification of populated areas and assemblies of people |
Explain the definition of ‘populated area’ and ‘assemblies of people’. |
Optimising flight paths to reduce risk of exposure |
Explain the effects of the following variables on the flight path and take-off distances: — take-off procedure; — obstacle clearances both laterally and vertically; — understand the lethality of a UAS including debris area through flying parts after a crash; and — recognise the importance of a defined emergency landing area. |
Likely operating sites and alternative sites |
Recognise the different operating sites and alternative sites on the route of the overflight. |
Adequate clearance for wind effects, especially in urban environment |
Explain how the wind changes at very low height due to its interaction with orography and buildings. |
Obstructions (wires, masts, buildings, etc.) |
Explain the effect of obstacles on the required takeoff distance. Interpret all available procedures, data, and information regarding obstructions that could be encountered during overflight |
Avoiding third-party interference with the UA |
Explain how to avoid third-party interference with the UA. |
Minimum separation distances from persons, vessels, vehicles, and structures |
Explain the importance of minimum separation distances from persons, vessels, vehicles, and structures. |
Impact of electromagnetic interference, i.e. high‑intensity radio transmissions |
Describe the physical phenomenon ‘interference’. Explain in which situations electromagnetic interference could occur, particularly with regard to electromagnetic emissions and signal reflections peculiar to an urban environment. Explain their impact on the UAS system (i.e. C2 link GNSS quality, etc.) |
Crowd control strategies and public access |
Explain the importance of ensuring that no one is endangered within the take-off and landing area. Describe the different crowd control strategies. Explain the importance of having knowledge of public access. |
BVLOS operations |
Operation planning: airspace, terrain, obstacles, expected air traffic, and restricted areas |
Explain the operation planning for BVLOS operations: — check the flying conditions (e.g. geographical zone, NOTAM) and obstacles along the planned route; — secure the necessary documentation before the BVLOS operation; — know and comply with the local conditions in the area where the BVLOS operation takes place; — ensure communication with the air traffic controller (ATCO), depending on the type of airspace within which the BVLOS operation is planned to be conducted; — plan the BVLOS operation including flight route and response to contingency and emergency events; — in uncontrolled airspace, check the actual traffic level of manned traffic along the planned route, including low-level traffic such as paragliders, hang gliders, helicopters, model aircraft, seaplanes and other possible traffic; — in uncontrolled airspace, verify that the UAS operation has been notified to manned aviation using, e.g. NOTAM, or other means used by manned aviation; — how to employ airspace observers (AOs), when needed; — consider the C2 link limitations (e.g. maximum range and presence of obstacles); and — use of conspicuity devices or traffic information / detection of incoming aircraft / deconfliction and emergency manoeuvres. |
Sensor systems and their limitations |
State the limitations of the different sensor systems. Rationale: UASs that are used for BVLOS operations should maintain precise positioning to avoid traffic conflict and to successfully carry out their mission. Environmental features, such as tunnels and urban canyons, can weaken GNSS signals or even cause them to be lost completely. To maintain accuracy in GNSS-denied environments, UA may use real-time kinematic (RTK) capable inertial navigation systems (INSs) that provide information from accelerometers and gyroscopes to accurately estimate position, velocity, heading, and attitude. |
Cooperative and non‑cooperative aircraft (airspace surveillance) |
Identify the cooperative and non-cooperative detect-and-avoid (DAA) sensor/system capabilities for UA, if applicable. Rationale: Cooperative and non-cooperative DSAA capabilities are key enablers for UA to safely and routinely access all airspace classes. |
Roles and responsibilities of the remote pilot to remain clear of collision |
Explain the traffic alert system and traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) phraseologies, and how these systems work. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the remote pilot to remain clear of collision. Explain the collision avoidance methodology that is used in the operation to keep the UA clear of other traffic. Rationale: Collision avoidance is emerging as a key enabler for UAS operations in civil airspace. The operational and technical challenges of UAS collision avoidance are complicated by the wide variety of UA, of their associated missions, and of their ground control capabilities. Numerous technological solutions for collision avoidance are being explored in the UAS community. |
Command, control and communication (C3) link performance and limitations |
Know the definition of ‘C3’. Understand the relation between communications and effective command and control (C2). Understand the basic C3 structure. Understand the use of true and relative motion displays. Understand the problems inherent in C3. Rationale: C3 cannot be accomplished without two‑way communications. C3 would be impossible unless the remote pilot can collect feedback in some form. Basic to any C3 system is the incorporation of a reliable communications network. |
Signal or communications latency for the C2 link |
Understand the impact of signal or communications latency on the C2 link. Explain what can cause, and how to detect, a signal or communications latency. Describe the actions that are required following a signal or communications latency. Rationale: BVLOS control may require a satellite communications link that implies a level of signal delay, or signal latency, which may impact on the accuracy of the BVLOS operation. |
Planning for the loss of C2 link or for system failure |
Understand the impact of a loss of C2 link. Explain what can cause, and how to detect, a system failure. Describe the actions that are required following a loss of C2 link. Describe how to plan the contingency routes in case of a loss of the C2 link. Rationale: It is of utmost importance to keep track of the UASs in civil airspace, and to know what happens if the C2 link between the remote pilot’s ground control station and the UAS is disrupted. In such a loss-of-the-C2-link situation, the UA usually flies on a pre-programmed contingency route based on its flight altitude, orientation, and bearing. The absence of situational awareness and direct communication from the UA makes it difficult or impossible for the ATCOs to discover the real position of the UA and identify if the pre‑programmed contingency route is properly followed impairing the possibility to clear the traffic along its intended route. |
Interpreting separate data sources |
Interpret different data sources to identify whether during flight the UA follows the planned route. |
Crew resource management (CRM) |
Explain the importance of CRM for BVLOS operations. |
Low-altitude (below 500 ft) operations |
Air traffic management (ATM) procedures |
Describe the ATM procedures for low-altitude operations. |
Radio communications and phraseology |
Define the meaning of ‘standard words and phrases’. Recognise, describe, and use the correct standard phraseology for each phase of a visual flight rules (VFR) flight. Explain the selective calling (SelCal) system and aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS) phraseologies. Explain the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) phraseologies. |
Situational awareness |
Keep situational awareness, especially with low‑level manned aircraft and, if necessary, employ airspace observers (AOs). |
Advanced aviation terminology |
Explain the meaning of low-altitude operations related terminology. |
Flight in non‑segregated airspace |
Clear roles and responsibilities |
Describe the relationship between the initiating causes (or threats), the hazard (top (main) event), the risk mitigations (the controls and barriers), and the potential consequential results (loss states) when conducting a flight in a non-segregated airspace. |
Wake turbulence |
State the wake turbulence categories for UA. State the wake turbulence separation minima. |
Transport and/or dropping of cargo |
Weight and balance |
Describe the relationship between UA mass and structural stress. Describe why mass should be limited to ensure adequate margins of strength. Describe the relationship between UA mass and aircraft performance. Describe why UA mass should be limited to ensure adequate aircraft performance. Depending on the type of operation, describe the relationship between centre-of-gravity (CG) position and stability/controllability of the UA. Describe the consequences if the CG is in front of the forward limit. Describe the consequences if the CG is behind the aft limit. Describe the relationship between CG position and aircraft performance. Describe the effects of the CG position on the performance parameters (speed, altitude, endurance, and range). Be familiar with the abbreviations regarding mass and balance, e.g. (maximum) take-off mass ((M)TOM), (maximum) landing mass ((M)LM), basic empty mass (BEM), dry operating mass (DOM), operating mass (OM), and zero-fuel mass (ZFM). Describe the effects of changes in the load when dropping an object. Describe the effects of an unintended loss of the load. Rationale: Mass and balance are extremely important for a UA. A UA that is not in balance may become difficult to control. Therefore, the overall balance should be considered when adding payloads, attaching gimbals, etc. |
Load securing and awareness of dangerous goods |
Calculate the MTOM and the MLM. Explain the reasons for restraining or securing cargo loads. Describe the basic methods of restraining or securing loads. Explain why the transport of dangerous goods by air is subject to an additional training module. State that certain articles and substances, which would otherwise be classified as dangerous goods, may be exempted if they are part of the UA equipment. Rationale: The safe operation of the UAS requires to weigh all cargo in the UA (or provide an accurate estimate of weight using ‘standard’ values), load it correctly, and secure it to prevent loss or movement of the cargo during the flight. Loading should be performed in accordance with the applicable regulations and limitations. The UAS operator’s loading procedures should be in accordance with the instructions given by the person that has the overall responsibility for the loading process for a particular UA flight. These loading instructions should match the requirements for cargo distribution that are included in the UA load and trim sheet. |
Transport of dangerous goods |
Safe transport of dangerous goods |
Explain the terminology relevant to dangerous goods. Be able to recognise dangerous goods and understand their labelling. Be able to interpret the documentation related to dangerous goods. Recognise dangerous goods by using ‘safety data sheets’ and the consumer labelling of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Explain that the provisions for the transport of dangerous goods by air are included in ICAO Doc 9284 ‘Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air’. State the emergency/reporting procedures in case of an event with dangerous goods, including that in the event of a dangerous-goods-related emergency regarding the UA, the remote pilot should inform the ATC organisation of the transport of dangerous goods. Explain the principles of compatibility and segregation of dangerous goods. Explain the special requirements for loading radioactive materials. Explain the use of the dangerous goods list. Explain the procedures for collecting safety data, e.g. reporting accidents, incidents, and occurrences with dangerous goods. Note: The learning objectives should be derived from the Technical Instructions and should be commensurate with the personnel responsibilities. |
Operations with multiple UASs and swarms |
Limitations related to human factors |
Understand the human performance limitations in an operation with multiple UASs, including UAS swarms. List the vital actions that the remote pilot and the persons who assist the remote pilot should perform in case of an emergency descent of the multiple/swarming UASs. |
Explain the importance of CRM for operations with multiple UASs and swarms. |
Navigating multiple platforms |
Describe how to navigate multiple platforms. |
Recognising system failures |
Describe the different failures that may potentially occur during multiple/swarming UAS operations. Explain what to do in the event of a failure. Recognise that the remote pilot can override the system in the event of a failure. |
Emergency containment procedures |
List the different emergency containment procedures and describe the basic conditions for each kind of emergency. Describe the recovery techniques in the event of engine or battery failure during multiple/swarming UAS operations. |
UAS launch and recovery using special equipment |
Operating procedures |
Explain the specific procedures for launch and recovery operations. Explain the impact on the UA’s behaviour when the systems for launch and recovery are operated from a moving vehicle, including ships. |
Recognising failures |
Describe the different failures that may occur during launch and recovery operations. Explain what to do in the event of a failure. Describe the cases where the remote pilot can override the system in the event of a failure. |
Flying over hilly environment |
Temperature inversions |
Describe the following: — the effect of thermic-induced turbulence near the Earth’s surface; — surface effects; — diurnal and seasonal variations; — the effect of clouds; and — the effect of wind. Rationale: The temperature can affect the density altitude. If the UA flies on a hot and humid day, the remote pilot will experience poor UA performance: as the temperature increases, the air molecules spread out. As a result, the propellers or motors of the UA do not have much air to grab on to. |
Orographic lifting |
Describe the effect of exploiting orographic lifting (i.e. slope or ridge) and the actions required. Describe the vertical movements, wind shear, and turbulence, which are typical of hilly environment. Rationale: Orographic lifting occurs when an air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain. As the air mass gains altitude, it quickly cools down adiabatically, which can raise the relative humidity to 100 %, create clouds and, under the right conditions, cause precipitation101 For examples of such service providers, see the footnote in E.6 ‘OSOs related to the deterioration of external systems supporting UAS operations’ of Annex E to AMC1 Article 11 of the UAS Regulation.. |
Higher winds through passes |
Describe the effects of wind shear and the actions required when wind shear is encountered at take-off and approach. Describe the precautions to be taken when wind shear is suspected at take-off and approach. Describe the effects of wind shear and the actions required following entry into strong downdraught wind shear. Describe the influence of a mountainous area on a frontal passage. Rationale: In mountainous environment, the wind blows smoothly on the windward side of the mountain. On the leeward side, the wind follows the contours of the terrain and can be quite turbulent: this is called a katabatic wind. The stronger the wind, the higher the downward pressure. Such a wind will push the UA down towards the surface of the mountain. If the remote pilot does not know how to recognise a downdraft, which is downward moving air, the situation can become quite challenging. |
Mountain waves |
Explain the origin and formation of mountain waves. State the conditions necessary for the formation of mountain waves. Describe the structure and properties of mountain waves. Explain how mountain waves may be identified through their associated meteorological phenomena. Explain that mountain wave effects may exceed the performance or structural capability of the UA. Explain that mountain wave effects may be propagated from low to high levels. Indicate the turbulent zones (mountain waves, rotors) on a drawing of a mountain chain. |
High- and low-pressure patterns |
Describe the movements of fronts and pressure systems, and the life cycle of a midlatitude depression. State the rules for predicting the direction and the speed of movement of fronts. State the difference in the speed of cold and warm fronts. State the rules for predicting the direction and the speed of frontal depressions. |
Density altitude effects |
Define pressure altitude and air density altitude. Explain the effects of all-up mass (AUM), pressure, temperature, density altitude, and humidity. Explain the influence of density altitude on the equilibrium of forces and moments in a stable hover, if applicable. Rationale: Higher-density altitude means thinner air, and thinner air means that the remote pilot will experience poor UA performance. The propellers or motors of the UA do not have much air to grab on to. Lower-density altitude means thicker, denser air, and higher UA performance. This knowledge is very important when the remote pilot flies in a mountainous or other high-elevation environment. |
GM1 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d)(iii) Responsibilities of the UAS operator
ED Decision 2022/002/R
For UAS operations that require an operational authorisation, the training of the remote pilots must be provided in coordination with the entity(ies) that is (are) designated by the competent authority, only if the competent authority has nominated entities that meet the applicable criteria to provide the required training. If the competent authority has not designated any entity, then such coordination is not required.
(a) An acceptable means to log and record the flight activities is to use a logbook, which may be electronic.
(b) The information to be recorded should be indicated in the declaration or in the operational authorisation, which may include the following:
(1) the identification of the UAS (manufacturer, model/variant (e.g. serial number);
NOTE: if the UAS is not subject to registration, the identification of the UAS may be done using the serial number of the UAS.
(2) the date, time, and location of the take-off and landing;
(3) the duration of each flight;
(4) the total number of flight hours/cycles;
(5) in the case of a remotely piloted operation, the name of the remote pilot responsible for the flight;
(6) the activity performed (add the reference to the STS or the authorisation number, as applicable);
(7) any significant incident or accident102 As defined by Regulation (EU) No 376/2014. that occurred during the operation;
(8) a completed pre-flight inspection;
(9) any defects and rectifications;
(10) any repairs and changes to the UAS configuration; and
(11) the information required to comply with UAS.SPEC.100.
(c) Records should be stored for 2 years in a manner that ensures their protection from unauthorised access, damage, alteration, and theft.
(d) The logbook can be generated in one of the following formats: electronic or paper. If the paper format is used, it should contain, in a single volume, all the pages needed to log the holder’s flight time. When one volume is completed, a new one will be started based on the cumulative data from the previous one.
UAS.SPEC.060 Responsibilities of the remote pilot
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
(1) The remote pilot shall:
(a) not perform duties under the influence of psychoactive substances or alcohol or when it is unfit to perform its tasks due to injury, fatigue, medication, sickness or other causes;
(b) have the appropriate remote pilot competency as defined in the operational authorisation, in the standard scenario defined in Appendix 1 or as defined by the LUC and carry a proof of competency while operating the UAS.
(c) be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions provided by the manufacturer of the UAS.
(2) Before starting an UAS operation, the remote pilot shall comply with all of the following:
(a) obtain updated information relevant to the intended operation about any geographical zones defined in accordance with Article 15;
(b) ensure that the operating environment is compatible with the authorised or declared limitations and conditions;
(c) ensure that the UAS is in a safe condition to complete the intended flight safely, and if applicable, check if the direct remote identification is active and up-to-date;
(d) ensure that the information about the operation has been made available to the relevant air traffic service (ATS) unit, other airspace users and relevant stakeholders, as required by the operational authorisation or by the conditions published by the Member State for the geographical zone of operation in accordance with Article 15.
(3) During the flight, the remote pilot shall:
(a) comply with the authorised or declared limitations and conditions;
(b) avoid any risk of collision with any manned aircraft and discontinue a flight when continuing it may pose a risk to other aircraft, people, animals, environment or property;
(c) comply with the operational limitations in geographical zones defined in accordance with Article 15;
(d) comply with the operator’s procedures;
(e) not fly close to or inside areas where an emergency response effort is ongoing unless they have permission to do so from the responsible emergency response services.
(a) The remote pilot, or the UAS operator in the case of an autonomous operation, should check any conditions that might affect the UAS operation, such as the locations of people, property, vehicles, public roads, obstacles, aerodromes, critical infrastructure, and any other elements that may pose a risk to the safety of the UAS operation.
(b) Familiarisation with the environment and obstacles should be conducted through a survey of the area where the operation is intended to be performed.
(c) It should be verified that the weather conditions at the time when the operation starts and those that are expected for the entire period of the operation are compatible with those defined in the manufacturer’s manual, as well as with the operational authorisation or declaration, as applicable.
(d) The remote pilot should be familiar with the light conditions and make a reasonable effort to identify potential sources of electromagnetic energy, which may cause undesirable effects, such as EMI or physical damage to the operational equipment of the UAS.
The remote pilot, or the operator in the case of an autonomous operation, should:
(a) update the UAS with data for the geo-awareness function if one is available on the UA;
(b) ensure that the UAS is fit to fly and complies with the instructions and limitations provided by the manufacturer;
(c) ensure that any payload carried is properly secured and installed, respecting the limits for the mass and CG of the UA;
(d) ensure that the UA has enough propulsion energy for the intended operation based on:
(i) the planned operation; and
(ii) the need for extra energy in case of unpredictable events; and
(e) for a UAS equipped with a loss-of-data-link recovery function, ensure that the recovery function allows a safe recovery of the UAS for the envisaged operation; for programmable loss-of-data-link recovery functions, the remote pilot may have to set up the parameters of this function to adapt it to the envisaged operation.
UAS.SPEC.070 Transferability of an operational authorisation
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
An operational authorisation is not transferable.
UAS.SPEC.080 Duration and validity of an operational authorisation
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
(1) The competent authority shall specify the duration of the operational authorisation in the authorisation itself.
(2) Notwithstanding point (1), the operational authorisation remains valid as long as the UAS operator remains compliant with the relevant requirements of this Regulation and with the conditions defined in the operational authorisation.
(3) Upon revocation or surrender of the operational authorisation the UAS operator shall provide an acknowledgment in digital format that must be returned to the competent authority without delay.
UAS.SPEC.085 Duration and validity of an operational declaration
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
The operational declaration shall have a limited duration of 2 years. The declaration shall no longer be considered as complete within the meaning of point (4) of point UAS.SPEC.020 if:
(1) during the oversight of the UAS operator, the competent authority has found that the UAS operation is not conducted in accordance with the operational declaration;
(2) the conditions of the UAS operation have changed to the extent that the operational declaration no longer complies with the applicable requirements of this Regulation;
(3) the competent authority is not granted access in accordance with point UAS.SPEC.090.
Regulation (EU) 2020/639
For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with this Regulation, an UAS operator shall grant to any person, that is duly authorised by the competent authority, an access to any facility, UAS, document, records, data, procedures or to any other material relevant to its activity, which is subject to operational authorisation or operational declaration, regardless of whether or not its activity is contracted or subcontracted to another organisation.
UAS.SPEC.100 Use of certified equipment and certified unmanned aircraft
Regulation (EU) 2024/1110
(1) Where the UAS operator uses an unmanned aircraft for which a certificate of airworthiness or a restricted certificate of airworthiness has been issued, the UAS operator shall ensure that the unmanned aircraft system complies with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1107;
(2) Where the UAS operator uses certified equipment on an unmanned aircraft for which neither a certificate of airworthiness nor a restricted certificate of airworthiness have been issued, the UAS operator shall carry out all of the following tasks:
(i) record the operation or service time in accordance with either the instructions or procedures applicable to the certified equipment;
(ii) follow the instructions referred to in the equipment certificate, and also comply with any applicable airworthiness directives issued by the Agency;
(iii) implement any safety measures mandated by the competent authority in accordance with Article 19(4);
(iv) use any relevant mandatory safety information issued by the Agency.
GM1 UAS.SPEC.100 The use of certified equipment and certified unmanned aircraft
ED Decision 2019/021/R
For the purposes of UAS.SPEC.100, ‘certified equipment’ is considered to be any equipment for which the relevant design organisation has demonstrated compliance with the applicable certification specifications and received a form of recognition from EASA that attests such compliance (e.g. an ETSO authorisation). This process is independent from the CE marking process.
The use of certified equipment or certified UA in the ‘specific’ category of operation does not imply a transfer of the flight activities into the ‘certified’ category of operation. However, the use of certified equipment or certified UA in the ‘specific’ category should be considered as a risk reduction and/or mitigation measure in the SORA.