CS 31GB.71 Function and installation
ED Decision 2011/012/R
(a) Each item of required equipment must:
(1) be of a kind and design appropriate to its intended function;
(2) be labelled or marked to identify its function or operating limitations, or any applicable combination of these factors;
(3) be installed according to limitations specified for that equipment; and
(4) function properly when installed.
(b) Instruments and other equipment may not in themselves, or by their effect upon the balloon, constitute a hazard to safe operation. (See also CS 31GB.27(e))
AMC 31GB.71(a)(4) Function and installation
ED Decision 2011/012/R
The correct functioning should not be impaired by operational circumstances such as icing, heavy rain, high humidity or low and high temperatures. The equipment, systems, and installations need to be designed to prevent hazards to the balloon in the event of a probable malfunction or failure of that equipment.
When ATC equipment and/or positioning lights as possibly required by operational rules are installed, it should be shown that the electrical system is such that the operation of this equipment is not adversely affected.
CS 31GB.72 Miscellaneous equipment
ED Decision 2011/012/R
Each balloon must be equipped with a rate of climb/descent indicator (variometer).