Summary of changes — Revision 21 (September 2023)
1. EASA Executive Director Decision 2023/007/R of 23 June 2023 issues:
— Amendment 14 to Issue 3 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex II (Part-ARO);
— Amendment 23 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO);
— Amendment 23 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex IV (Part-CAT);
— Amendment 14 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex V (Part-SPA);
— Amendment 19 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VI (Part-NCC);
— Amendment 16 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VII (Part-NCO); and
— Amendment 19 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VIII (Part-SPO)
to facilitate the implementation of the new requirements introduced into Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air OPS Regulation’) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1020 (the ‘HEMS Regulation’).
Each AMC and GM shall become applicable from one of the following dates:
— 29 June 2023,
— 25 May 2024,
— 25 May 2024,
— 25 May 2024,
For the specific applicability date of each AMC and GM, see the related tables in the Incorporated amendments.
Summary of changes — Revision 20 (June 2023)
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1020 of 24 May 2023 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards helicopter emergency medical service operations
The amendments shall become applicable from 25 May 2024.
(a) point (5)(b) of the Annex shall apply from 25 May 2026;
(b) point (5)(d) of the Annex to this Regulation shall apply from 25 May 2028 as regards the amendment to point SPA.HEMS.110(e) of Annex V to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012;
(c) point (5)(f) of the Annex to this Regulation shall only apply to HEMS operations covered by point (61)(b) of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 from 25 May 2028;
(d) point (5)(g) of the Annex to this Regulation shall only apply to HEMS operations covered by point (61)(b) of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 from 25 May 2026;
(e) points (6) and (7) of the Annex shall apply from 14 June 2023.
(f) Member States may decide to use the form established in Appendix II to Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as amended by point (2)(b) of the Annex to this Regulation only when issuing new air operator certificates, or making changes to existing certificates, in accordance with points ARO.GEN.310 or ARO.GEN.330 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 25 May 2023.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2023/1020: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 14 June 2023.
2. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/217 of 1 February 2023 correcting Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, as regards some inconsistencies in requirements introduced by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1387, and Regulations (EU) 2021/1296 and (EU) 2021/2237
The amendments shall become applicable from 22 February 2023.
However, the amendments to point SPO.POL.110 of Annex VIII (Part-SPO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 shall become applicable from 30 October 2022.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 2 February 2023.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2023/217: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 22 February 2023.
3. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 of 27 October 2022 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards requirements for the management of information security risks with a potential impact on aviation safety for organisations covered by Commission Regulations (EU) No 1321/2014, (EU) No 965/2012, (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) 2015/340, Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/373 and (EU) 2021/664, and for competent authorities covered by Commission Regulations (EU) No 748/2012, (EU) No 1321/2014, (EU) No 965/2012, (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) 2015/340 and (EU) No 139/2014, Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/373 and (EU) 2021/664 and amending Commission Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) No 748/2012, (EU) No 965/2012, (EU) No 139/2014, (EU) No 1321/2014, (EU) 2015/340, and Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/373 and (EU) 2021/664
The amendments to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 shall become applicable from 22 February 2026.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 2 February 2023.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2023/203: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 22 February 2023.
4. EASA Executive Director Decision 2023/004/R of 24 March 2023 issues:
— Amendment 18 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VI (Part-NCC);
— Amendment 15 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VII (Part-NCO); and
— Amendment 18 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VIII (Part-SPO)
to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to improve the proportionality of the provisions on rescue and firefighting services (RFFS) for General Aviation (GA) flights by incorporating the related amendments to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6, Part II, and Annex 14, Volume I into the EU regulatory system.
The new AMC and GM shall become applicable from 29 March 2023.
Summary of changes — Correction (December 2022)
1. The missing new GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.185 ‘Fuel/energy scheme — in-flight fuel/energy management policy — aeroplanes’, as introduced by ED Decision 2022/005/R on fuel/energy management, was incorporated into the Easy Access Rules for Air Operations — Revision from November 2022.
2. The introductory sentence of point CAT.GEN.MPA.210 of Annex IV (Part-CAT) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, as amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2203 of 11 November 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the applicability of the requirements for locating an aircraft in distress, was corrected.
Summary of changes — Revision 19 (November 2022)
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2203 of 11 November 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the applicability of the requirements for locating an aircraft in distress
— Annex IV (Part-CAT) to,
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
ICAO Standard 6.18.1 was incorporated into point CAT.GEN.MPA.210 of Annex IV (Part-CAT) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, which requires certain aeroplanes to be equipped with robust and automatic means to accurately determine, following an accident during which the aeroplane is severely damaged, the location of the point of end of flight.
The ICAO Council adopted Amendment 48 to ICAO Annex 6, Part I at the 16th Meeting of their 226th Session on 18 July 2022. That amendment postpones the applicability date of ICAO Standard 6.18.1 to 1 January 2025 and restricts its applicability to aeroplanes first issued with an individual Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) on or after 1 January 2024.
That amendment intends (i) to address the significant delays, faced by all aircraft manufacturers concerned worldwide, in fitting aeroplanes with the required equipment, and setting up the necessary communication infrastructure between all relevant stakeholders (including air traffic service (ATS) providers and rescue coordination centres (RCCs)); and (ii) to provide more time for RCCs and ATS units to prepare and adapt their procedures.
The amendment shall become applicable from 4 December 2022.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 14 November 2022.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2022/2203: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 4 December 2022
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2203
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2022/2203 |
2. EASA Executive Director Decision 2022/017/R of 2 September 2022 issues:
— Amendment 22 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO)
to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to facilitate the implementation of the new requirements introduced by Regulation (EU) 2022/410, which amended Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (‘Continuing Airworthiness (CAW) Regulation’) as regards the CAW management in a single air carrier business grouping.
This Decision amends the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM) to Annex I (Part M) and Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) to the CAW Regulation, as well as the AMC & GM to Annex III (Part-ORO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (‘Air OPS Regulation’) regarding the following topics:
— definition of a ‘single air carrier business grouping’;
— harmonisation of the management systems of the organisations involved;
— cooperation in the oversight by competent authorities (CAs) of the organisations involved; and
— nomination by the operator of the person responsible for the management and supervision of the contract with a CAMO.
The new AMC and GM shall become applicable from 3 September 2022.
Date of publication of ED Decision 2022/017/R in the Official Publication of EASA: 2 September 2022.
Date of entry into force of ED Decision 2022/017/R: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Publication of EASA: 3 September 2022.
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by ED Decision 2022/017/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by EASA ED Decision |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM2 ORO.AOC.135(a) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/017/R |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.135(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/017/R |
GM1 ORO.AOC.135(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/017/R |
3. EASA Executive Director Decision 2022/014/R of 18 August 2022 issues:
— Amendment 21 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO);
— Amendment 22 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex IV (Part-CAT);
— Amendment 13 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex V (Part-SPA);
— Amendment 17 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VI (Part-NCC);
— Amendment 14 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VII (Part-NCO); and
— Amendment 17 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VIII (Part-SPO)
to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to facilitate the implementation of the new requirements related to flight crew training introduced into Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air OPS Regulation’) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 and into Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the ‘Aircrew Regulation’) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2227. Those Regulations and this ED Decision amend the operator’s flight crew training and checking provisions to better reflect the increased complexity in the aviation system. The updates cover aeroplanes and helicopters that carry out commercial air transport (CAT) operations, specialised operations (SPO) and non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC).
The most important items are:
— new conditions for multi-pilot operations in single-pilot certified helicopters;
— new provisions for initial training and checking under SPO;
— new provisions for recurrent training and checking under CAT and SPO;
— new conditions for the operation on different aircraft types or variants;
— introduction of the option for NCC operators to accept previous training and checking; and
— addressing other minor issues regarding flight crew training and checking.
Some changes are expected to increase safety in a cost-effective way, whereas others should reduce the training costs without an impact on safety. Several clarifications are also introduced to maintain a high level of safety for air operations by ensuring a harmonised implementation of the Air OPS and the Aircrew Regulations.
The new AMC and GM shall become applicable from 30 October 2022 except for the following provisions, which will apply from 26 March 2023:
— AMC2 ORO.FC.105(b)(2);(c),
— GM2ORO.FC.105(b)(2),
— AMC1 ORO.FC.105(b)(3),
— AMC1 ORO.FC.115,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.120,
— AMC3 ORO.FC.120,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.125(b),
— AMC1 ORO.FC.130,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.135,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.145(a),
— GM1 ORO.FC.145(a),
— AMC2 ORO.FC.145(d),
— GM1 ORO.FC.145(d),
— AMC2 ORO.FC.146,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.215,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.220,
— AMC3 ORO.FC.220,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.230,
— AMC3 ORO.FC.230,
— GM1 ORO.FC.230,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.A.245,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.A.245(d);(e)(2),
— AMC1 ORO.FC.320,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.325,
— AMC1 ORO.FC.330,
— GM1 ORO.FC.330, and
— AMC1 ORO.CC.115(e).
Date of publication of ED Decision 2022/014/R in the Official Publication of EASA: 19 August 2022.
Date of entry into force of ED Decision 2022/014/R: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Publication of EASA: 20 August 2022.
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by ED Decision 2022/014/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by EASA ED Decision |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM2 ORO.GEN.110(f) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.100(c) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.100(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.105(b)(2);(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.105(b)(2);(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.105(b)(2) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.105(b)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.105(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.105(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.105(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.115 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.115 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.146 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.115 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM8 ORO.FC.115 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.120 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.120 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.120 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.120 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.125 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.125 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.125 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.130 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.130 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.130(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.135 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.140 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.140(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.140(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.140(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.140(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.145 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.145 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.145(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.145(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.145(b) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.145(d) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.145(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.145(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.145(g) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.146 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.146(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.146(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.146(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.146(e);(f)&(g) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.205 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.215 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.220 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.220 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.220(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.220(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.220(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.230 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.230 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.230 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.231(a) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a)(5) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC4 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(d)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.232 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.232 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC4 ORO.FC.232 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC6 ORO.FC.232 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.235(d) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.235(e);(f) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.236 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.236 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.240 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.240 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.A.245 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.A.245 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.A.245(e)(2) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.A.245(d);(e)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.A.245(g) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.320 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.325 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.330 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.330 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.115(e) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 ORO.CC.115(e) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM2 ORO.CC.115(e) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 ORO.CC.115(e) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM4 ORO.CC.115(e) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM6 ORO.CC.115(e) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.101(b) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC11 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.115(a) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.140(d) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 22 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.100(a) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM4 SPA.LVO.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM8 SPA.LVO.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
GM1 NCC.OP.101 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC5 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC9 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM9 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.110(b)(5) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.235(a)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
GM1 NCO.OP.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 14 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
GM1 SPO.OP.101 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC3 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC4 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC5 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC9 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
GM10 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.116 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.235(a)(2) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 17 |
ED Decision 2022/014/R |
4. EASA Executive Director Decision 2022/012/R of 30 June 2022 issues:
— Amendment 16 to Issue 1 of the Guidance Material to Annex I (Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to VIII);
— Amendment 13 to Issue 3 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex II (Part-ARO);
— Amendment 20 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO);
— Amendment 21 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex IV (Part-CAT);
— Amendment 12 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex V (Part-SPA);
— Amendment 16 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VI (Part-NCC);
— Amendment 13 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VII (Part-NCO); and
— Amendment 16 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VIII (Part-SPO)
to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to facilitate the implementation of the new requirements introduced into Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air OPS Regulation’) related to all-weather operations (AWOs) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 (the ‘AWO Regulation’).
The AWO Regulation, which will apply from 30 October 2022, includes elements from two different areas: all-weather operations and operator flight crew training.
The AWO Regulation introduced a performance-based, ‘technology-neutral’ approach to the regulation of AWOs, which aims to facilitate a better integration and use of new, advanced technologies as well as new operational procedures to support AWOs and to ensure the availability of aerodrome infrastructure, information, and procedures to support AWOs. The new AMC and GM shall become applicable from 30 October 2022.
Date of publication of ED Decision 2022/012/R in the Official Publication of EASA: 30 June 2022.
Date of entry into force of ED Decision 2022/012/R: 1 July 2022.
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by ED Decision 2022/012/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by EASA ED Decision |
Annex I (Definitions) |
GM1 Annex I |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 Annex I |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM31 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM32 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM33 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM34 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM35 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
AMC5 ARO.OPS.200 |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 ARO.OPS.200 |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM2 ORO.GEN.110(f) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.130(b) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 ORO.GEN.160 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.160 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 ORO.DEC.100(a);(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 ORO.DEC.100(a);(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.101(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC10 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC11 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM6 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM7 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
New |
GM8 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM9 CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.110(b)(6) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.115(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.115(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.115(b) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.185 (old) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.182(f) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.192(d) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.192(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.265(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.305 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.305(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.305(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.305(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.305(f) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.312 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(1) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(a)(8) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.312(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.230 & CAT.POL.A.235 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.230 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 CAT.POL.A.230 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.235 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 CAT.POL.A.235 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.H.400(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.130(h) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 21 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.100 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.100 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.100 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 SPA.LVO.100 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.100 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.100 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.100(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.100(a) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.100(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.100(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 SPA.LVO.100(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM6 SPA.LVO.100(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.100(f) |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 SPA.LVO.105 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.105(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.105(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC7 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.105(c) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.105(g) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.105(g) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.105(g) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.105(g) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.105(g) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.110(c)(4)(i) |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM6 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM7 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM8 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM9 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM10 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM11 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM12 SPA.LVO.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.120 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.120 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.120(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.120(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.120(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.120(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC7 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.LVO.120(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.LVO.125 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.NVIS.120 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 SPA.NVIS.130(f) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.NVIS.140 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPA.HOFO.125(g) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPA.HOFO.125 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPA.HOFO.125 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
GM1 NCC.OP.101 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC8 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC9 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM6 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM7 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM8 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM9 NCC.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM10 NCC.OP.110(b)(5) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.111 |
Deleted |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.112 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.115 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.116 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.153 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCC.OP.153 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.230(a) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.230 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.230(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.230(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.230(f) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.235 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(a)(1) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.235(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(a)(8) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.235(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.235(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.120(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.H.120(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.125(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
AMC1 NCO.OP.101(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM4 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM7 NCO.OP.110 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM8 NCO.OP.110 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.110(b)(5) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.111 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.111 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCO.OP.111 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 NCO.OP.111 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.112 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCO.OP.112 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.115 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.142(b)(1) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCO.OP.142(b)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.142 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.142(b)(4) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.142(b)(5) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.143 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.144 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.175 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.210 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 NCO.OP.210 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.210 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.A.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCO.IDE.A.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 NCO.IDE.A.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.195(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.H.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.H.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 NCO.IDE.H.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM3 NCO.IDE.H.195(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.H.195(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 NCO.SPEC.115(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 13 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.105(a) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.101 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC6 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC7 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC8 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC9 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC10 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM5 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM6 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM7 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM8 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM9 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM10 SPO.OP.110 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.110(b)(5) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.112 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.115 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.152 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM2 SPO.OP.152 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.215(a) |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.215(b) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.215 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.215(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.215(f) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.230 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.235 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(a)(1) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.235(a)(2) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC3 SPO.OP.235(a)3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC4 SPO.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC5 SPO.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.235(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(a)(8) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.235(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.235(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.H.120(d) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.120(d) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.H.125(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 16 |
ED Decision 2022/012/R |
Summary of changes — Revision 18 (May 2022)
EASA Executive Director Decision 2022/005/R of 22 March 2022 issues:
— Amendment 15 to Issue 1 of the Guidance Material to Annex I (Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to VIII);
— Amendment 12 to Issue 3 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex II (Part-ARO);
— Amendment 19 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO);
— Amendment 20 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex IV (Part-CAT);
— Amendment 11 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex V (Part-SPA;
— Amendment 15 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VI (Part-NCC);
— Amendment 12 to Issue 2 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VII (Part-NCO); and
— Amendment 15 to Issue 1 of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex VIII (Part-SPO)
to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to facilitate the implementation of the new requirements on fuel/energy planning and management, particularly those regarding the development and oversight of the air operators’ fuel schemes, introduced into Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air OPS Regulation’) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1296. The new AMC and GM on fuel schemes, which consider the robustness of the operators’ management system and are structured around three levels of performance, allowing operators to increase operational efficiency, with both cost-efficiency and environmental benefits, shall become applicable from 30 October 2022.
Date of publication of ED Decision 2022/005/R in the Official Publication of EASA: 25 March 2022.
Date of entry into force of ED Decision 2022/005/R: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Publication of EASA: 26 March 2022
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by ED Decision 2022/005/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation |
Annex I (Definitions) |
GM2 Annex I |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM28 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM29 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM30 Annex I |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
AMC1 ARO.OPS.225 |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 ARO.OPS.225 |
Changed |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 ARO.OPS.225 |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 ARO.OPS.225(c) |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 ARO.OPS.225(c) |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 ARO.OPS.225(c) |
New |
Issue 3, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM1 ORO.GEN.110(c) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.110(c)&(e) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 ORO.GEN.110(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 ORO.GEN.110(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.130(b) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 19 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.180(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.180(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.107 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC3 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(c)(3)(i) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(c)(3)(ii) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.175(a) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.180 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.180 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.180 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.181 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.181 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.181 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM4 CAT.OP.MPA.181 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.182 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.182 |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.182 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM4 CAT.OP.MPA.182 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.182(d)(1) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.182(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.182(f) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.185 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.185(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.185(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC3 CAT.OP.MPA.185(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.185 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.186 |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.191(b)&(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.192(a) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.192(c)&(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.192(c)&(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.192(d) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.195 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.200 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.200 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.200 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.H.215(b)(3) |
Changed |
Issue 2, Amdt 20 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
AMC1 SPA.HOFO.110(a)(4) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 11 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 11 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCC.GEN.140(a)(17) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 NCC.GEN.140(a)(17) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 NCC.GEN.140(a)(17) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.131 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.155 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.155 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 NCC.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.205(b)&(d) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.205(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
AMC1 NCO.GEN.105(c) |
Deleted |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.GEN.105(a)(3) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.105 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 NCO.OP.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC3 NCO.OP.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 NCO.OP.125(b) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.147 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.147 |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.185(b)&(c) |
New |
Issue 2, Amdt 12 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM3 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.105 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.155 |
Changed |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.155 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.157 |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.190(b)&(d) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.190(c) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM1 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
GM2 SPO.GEN.140(a)(18) |
New |
Issue 1, Amdt 15 |
ED Decision 2022/005/R |
Summary of changes – Revision 17 (February 2022)
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 of 15 December 2021 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the requirements for all-weather operations and for flight crew training and checking
— Article 5(2), point (a)(iv) of,
— Annex I (Definitions),
— Annex II (Part-ARO),
— Annex III (Part-ORO),
— Annex IV (Part-CAT),
— Annex V (Part-SPA),
— Annex VI (Part-NCC),
— Annex VII (Part-NCO), and
— Annex VIII (Part-SPO) to,
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 to reflect recent technological advancements in new airborne systems and best practices in the domain of air operations, allow for a level playing field for all actors in the EU market, improve safety in a cost-effective way, and seek the use of innovative training tools. The amendments shall become applicable from 30 October 2022.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 16 December 2021.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2021/2237: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 5 January 2022
2. Revision 17 also corrects the following errors identified in Revision 16:
— in the tables of AMC4 ORO.FC.232 EBT programme assessment and training topics and AMC6 ORO.FC.232 EBT programme assessment and training topics, the width of some cells was adjusted to allow all content to be visible;
— in AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.225 Emergency medical kit, point b(1)(v) was removed, as per ED Decision 2021/005/R amending ED Decision 2014/015/R; and
— in point SPO.POL.146 Performance and operating criteria – helicopters, the erroneously amended point (a)(1) was restored to its correct version, which was introduced by Commission Regulation (EU) No 379/2014 amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2237
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation |
Cover regulation |
Article 5(2) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
Appendix II |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
ORO.FC.100 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.105 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.125 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.130 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.140 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.145 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.146 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.200 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.202 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.220 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.230 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.235 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.236 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.240 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.A.245 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.H.250 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.320 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.325 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
ORO.FC.330 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Appendix I |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.101 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.107 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.115 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.245 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.246 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.247 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.265 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.300 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.305 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.310 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
CAT.OP.MPA.312 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
Subpart E title |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.LVO.100 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.LVO.105 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.LVO.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.LVO.115 |
Deleted |
SPA.LVO.120 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.NVIS.120 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.HOFO.120 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPA.HOFO.125 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Subpart N |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
NCC.OP.101 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.111 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.112 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.145 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.147 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.148 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.150 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.180 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.195 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.225 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.230 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCC.OP.235 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
NCO.OP.101 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.105 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.111 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.112 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.135 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.140 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.141 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.142 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.143 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.144 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.160 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.175 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.205 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.206 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
NCO.OP.210 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
SPO.OP.101 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.111 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.112 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.140 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.143 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.144 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.145 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.170 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.180 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.210 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.215 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
SPO.OP.235 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 |
Summary of changes – Revision 16 (December 2021)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 of 4 August 2021 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the requirements for fuel/energy planning and management, and as regards requirements on support programmes and psychological assessment of flight crew, as well as testing of psychoactive substances
amends the second paragraph of Article 9b of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 by deferring the applicability date of EASA’s obligation to produce a first report on the results of its review of the effectiveness of the provisions concerning support programmes, as well as the psychological assessment of flight crew and the systematic and random testing of psychoactive substances to ensure the medical fitness of flight crew and cabin crew members set out in Annex II (Part-ARO) and Annex IV (Part-CAT) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
In this regard, Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 reintroduces into Annex I (Definitions) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 definition 98(a) that defined the term ‘psychoactive substances’. That definition is essential for the consistent interpretation of the provisions introduced by Regulation (EU) 2018/1042 and for clearly defining which substances are subject to those provisions and which are not. Therefore, to safeguard legitimate expectations of the persons subject to those provisions, that definition was reintroduced with effect from the applicability date (14 February 2021) of the related changes introduced by Regulation (EU) 2018/1042.
The amendments introduced by Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 to the Cover Regulation and Annexes I‑VII to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 regarding the requirements for fuel/energy planning and management shall apply from 30 October 2022.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 5 August 2021.
Date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2021/1296: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union: 25 August 2021
Revision table (IRs)
Air Ops rules amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1296
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation |
Cover regulation |
Article 9b |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
ARO.OPS.225 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
Appendix I |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
CAT.OP.MPA.100 (b)(3) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.106 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.150 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.151 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.175 (b)(7) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.177 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.180 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.181 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.185 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.186 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.186 |
To be deleted |
N/a |
As CAT.OP.MPA.186 is deleted |
CAT.OP.MPA.190 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.191 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.192 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.195 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.200 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.245 (a)(1) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.246 (a) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.260 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.280 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.OP.MPA.281 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
To be deleted |
N/a |
As CAT.OP.MPA.281 is deleted |
CAT.POL.A.220 (f) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.POL.A.420 (d) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
CAT.IDE.A.195 (e) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
SPA.HEMS.150 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPA.HEMS.155 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPA.HOFO.120 (a) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPA.SET-IMC.110 (l) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
NCC.OP.105 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.130 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.131 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.151 (b) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.155 (b) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.157 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.OP.205 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCC.POL.110 (a)(6)-(a)(9) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
NCO.OP.105 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.OP.125 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.OP.126 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.OP.145 (b) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.OP.147 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.OP.185 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.SPEC.135 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
NCO.SPEC.140 |
Deleted |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
SPO.OP.105 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.130 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.131 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.150 (b) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.155 (b) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.157 |
New |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.OP.190 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.POL.110 |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.POL.115 (a)(6)-(a)(9) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
SPO.IDE.H.146 (a)(1) |
Changed |
N/a |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 |
Summary of changes – Revision 15 (June 2021)
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/745 of 4 June 2020 amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1042 as regards postponing dates of application of certain measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
amends Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1042, the third paragraph, by deferring the date of application of points 1 and 3 of Article 1 of Reg. (EU) 2018/1042 from 14 August 2020 to 14 February 2021, with the exception of points 3(f) and 6(b) of the Annex to Reg. (EU) 2018/1042 (related to TAWS), which shall apply from 14 August 2018.
This means that the following points will become applicable as of 12 February 2021 instead of 14 August 2020:
— Article 4 ‘Ramp inspections’;
— Annex I (Definitions): Definitions 78a, 98a, 105a;
— Annex II (Part-ARO): ARO.RAMP.106;
— Annex IV (Part-CAT): CAT.GEN.MPA.100 point (c)(1); CAT.GEN.MPA.170; CAT.GEN.MPA.175; CAT.GEN.MPA.215; CAT.GEN.MPA.100 point (b)(1);
— Annex VI (Part-NCC): NCC.GEN.105 point (e)(2);
— Annex VII (Part-NCO): NCO.SPEC.115 point (e)(2);
— Annex VIII (Part-SPO): SPO.GEN.105 point (e)(2).
Article 1 point (2) of Reg. (EU) 2018/1042, which introduces changes to Article 9b ‘Review’ of Reg. (EU) No 965/2012, shall apply from 14 August 2020. It is not affected by the deferred date of application introduced by Reg. (EU) 2020/745.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 5 June 2020.
Date of entry into force of Reg. (EU) 2020/745: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
2. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1176 of 7 August 2020 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1387 as regards postponing dates of application of certain measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
amends Article 2 of Reg. (EU) 2019/1387, the third paragraph, by deferring its date of application from 5 November 2020 to 12 August 2021.
This affects the amendments introduced by Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 related to the global reporting format for aeroplane performance in Annex IV (Part-CAT).
The following points of point (4) of the Annex to Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 shall apply from 12 August 2021 instead of 5 November 2020:
— point (c). This is CAT.OP.MPA.300;
— point (d). This is CAT.OP.MPA.301;
— point (e). This is CAT.OP.MPA.303;
— point (f). This is CAT.OP.MPA.311;
— point (g). This is CAT.POL.A.105 point (d);
— point (n). This is CAT.POL.A.255;
— point (q). This is CAT.POL.A.355.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 10 August 2020.
Date of entry into force of Reg. (EU) 2020/1176: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
3. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2036 of 9 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the requirements for flight crew competence and training methods and postponing dates of application of certain measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
This amendment aligns the EU rules with ICAO Doc 9995 ‘Manual of evidence-based training’ (EBT) and introduces requirements on the provision of training, checking and assessment of the EBT programme and to allow authorities to approve the baseline EBT, which replaces previous checks such as operator proficiency checks and licence proficiency checks.
The following Annexes are affected:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex III – Part-ORO, Subpart ORO.FC.
This amendment also defers the date of application of the requirements that cockpit voice recorders (CVR) with a recording capability of 25 hours are installed and used as of 1 January 2021.
This means that the following points will be applicable from 1 January 2022 instead of 1 January 2021:
— CAT.IDE.A.185 (c)(1)
— NCC.IDE.A.160 (b)(1)
— SPO.IDE.A.140 (b)(1)
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 11 December 2020.
Date of entry into force of Reg. (EU) 2020/2036: on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
4. EASA ED Decision 2019/025/R of 17 December 2019 amending ED Decision 2018/006/R of 3 May 2018 issuing the Certification Specifications for Aeroplane Flight Simulation Training Devices, as well as amending ED Decisions 2014/017/R of 24 April 2014 and 2019/005/R of 27 February 2019 on the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
affects the following document in the air operations domain:
— AMC & GM to Part-ORO — Issue 2, Amendment 16
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 16 December 2019
Date of entry into force of Decision 2019/025/R: 17 December 2019
Article 3 of this Decision (i.e. changes made to the AMC&GM to Part-ORO) become applicable from 20 August 2020.
5. EASA ED Decision 2020/013/R of 18 August 2020 amending ED Decision 2019/025/R amending ED Decision 2018/006/R of 3 May 2018 issuing the Certification Specifications for Aeroplane Flight Simulation Training Devices, as well as amending ED Decisions 2014/017/R of 24 April 2014 and 2019/005/R of 27 February 2019 on the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Annex III (Part-ORO) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
This Decision introduces an amendment to ED Decision 2019/025/R — AMC & GM to Part-ORO Issue 2, Amendment 16 ‘Deferment of the use of aeroplane flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) qualified against “CS-FSTD(A) Issue 2” in air operator upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic’
The Decision amends Article 4 of EDD 2019/025/R by deferring the application of changes made to AMC & GM to Part-ORO (specified in Article 3 of EDD 2019/025/R) from 20 August 2020 to 31 March 2021. This is related to the use of aeroplane flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) qualified against CS-FSTD(A) Issue 2 in air operator upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT).
The following AMC and GM are affected and will become applicable from 31 March 2020 instead of 20 August 2020:
— AMC1 ORO.FC.220&230 point (d);
— AMC2 ORO.FC.220&230 point (d);
— GM3 ORO.FC.220&230.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 18 August 2020
Date of entry into force of Decision 2020/013/R: 19 August 2020
Changes made to AMC&GM to Part-ORO become applicable from 31 March 2021.
6. EASA ED Decision 2021/002/R
This Decision is related to Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 on flight crew competence and training methods, which amends Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations. The AMC and GM will facilitate the implementation of the new requirements on evidence-based training.
(related Regulation in the aircrew domain: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2193 amending Reg. (EU) No 1178/2011)
The Decision and the related Regulations are parts of a global safety initiative endorsed by ICAO, whose objective is to determine the relevance of the existing pilot training according to aircraft generation. In particular, they constitute a second step in the context of European Union rulemaking actions to implement EBT. The first step was completed in 2015 with the publication of ED Decision 2015/027/R that provided guidance material to allow the implementation of a ‘mixed EBT’ which maintains the current operator proficiency check (OPC) and licence proficiency check (LPC). This Decision completes the second step initiated by the Regulations that amended Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 (Air OPS Regulation) and Reg. (EU) No 1178/2011 (Aircrew Regulation) to allow authorities to approve the baseline EBT, which replaces OPC and LPC. This will allow a single philosophy of recurrent training within the airline. EBT is intended to improve safety by enhancing the capability of flight crews to operate the aircraft in all flight regimes by recognising and managing unexpected situations. The EBT concept is designed to maximise learning and minimise formal checking.
The following AMC and GM related to Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 which amends Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 are affected by this Decision:
— AMC and GM to Annex I Definitions (Issue 1, amendment 12)
— AMC and GM to Annex II (Part-ARO) (Issue 3, amendment 11)
— AMC and GM to Annex III (Part-ORO) (Issue 2, amendment 17)
For information, the following AMC and GM related to Reg. (EU) 2020/2193 which amends Reg. (EU) No 1178/2011 are affected by this Decision:
— AMC and GM to Annex I (Part-FCL) (Issue 1, amendment 11)
— AMC and GM to Annex VI (Part-ARA) (Issue 1, amendment 11)
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 2 March 2021
Date of entry into force of Decision 2021/002/R: 3 March 2021
7. ED Decision 2021/005/R
Update of the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 — Aeroplane performance, PBS, oxygen equipment, medical equipment, recorders, technical records, non-ETOPS operations, ground de-icing/anti-icing procedures
Following the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2019/1387, amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (Air OPS Regulation), the objective of this Decision is to support the implementation of the requirements on:
— power supply to cockpit voice recorders (CVRs) in order to improve the availability of recordings;
— in-flight recording for light aircraft;
— commercial operation of certain categories of aeroplanes without an ETOPS approval;
— runway surface condition reporting and in-flight assessment of landing performance;
— reduced required landing distance for certain categories of commercially operated aeroplanes;
— operations in airspaces where performance-based communication and surveillance (PBCS) is implemented;
— new technical standards on first-aid oxygen dispensing units, medical equipment, de-icing/anti-icing ground
— procedures; and
— technical records.
This Decision amends as necessary the acceptable means of compliance and guidance material in relation to the above-listed topics.
The following Annexes are affected:
— ‘GM to Annex I (Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to VIII) — Issue 1, Amendment 13’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-ORO — Issue 2, Amendment 18’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-CAT — Issue 2, Amendment 18’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-SPA — Issue 1, Amendment 9’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-NCC — Initial issue, Amendment 13’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-NCO — Issue 2, Amendment 10’
— ‘AMC & GM to Part-SPO — Initial issue, Amendment 13’
The following AMC and GM shall apply from 12 August 2021:
— CAT.OP.MPA.300
— CAT.OP.MPA.301
— CAT.OP.MPA.303
— CAT.OP.MPA.311
— CAT.POL.A.255
— CAT.POL.A.355
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 23 April 2021
Date of entry into force of Decision 2021/005/R: 24 April 2021
8. ED Decision 2021/008/R
Amendment of requirements for flight recorders and underwater locating devices — Certification specifications, acceptable means of compliance, and guidance material for locating an aircraft in distress.
The objective of this Decision is to facilitate the implementation of point CAT.GEN.MPA.210 ‘Location of an aircraft in distress — Aeroplanes’ of Annex IV (Part-CAT) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (‘Air OPS Regulation’).
This Decision amends certification specifications (CSs), acceptable means of compliance (AMC), and guidance material (GM), to support the implementation of point CAT.GEN.MPA.210. The scope of this Decision includes air operations (Air OPS), initial airworthiness (IAW), and air traffic management (ATM).
The amendments are expected to increase safety as they will facilitate locating an accident scene. This will increase the chances of rescuing accident survivors, and accelerate the collection of evidence that is necessary for determining the accident causes. In addition, these amendments are expected to ensure consistency with the existing requirements on flight recorders, emergency locator transmitters (ELTs), and low-frequency (8.8 kHz) underwater locating devices (ULDs).
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 31 May 2021
Date of entry into force of Decision 2021/005/R: 1 June 2021
Revision table (IR, AMC, GM)
Air Ops rules amended by Reg. (EU) 2020/745, (EU) 2020/2036 and EDD 2021/002/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation / EASA ED Decision |
(1) Cover regulation |
Art. 4 |
Changed |
Reg. EU 2020/745 |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
GM2 Annex I |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/025/R |
GM19 Annex I |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/025/R |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
ARO.OPS.226 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
AMC1 ARO.OPS.226(a) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ARO.OPS.226(a) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ARO.OPS.226(a) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ARO.OPS.226(c) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ARO.OPS.226(c) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ARO.OPS.226(d) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ARO.OPS.226(d) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ARO.OPS.226(d) |
New |
3/11 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
(2) Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM1 ORO.GEN.130(b) |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.115 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
ORO.FC.145 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
ORO.FC.146 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
AMC1 ORO.FC.146(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.146(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.146(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.146(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.146(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.220&230 point (d) |
Changed |
2/16 |
EDD 2019/025/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.220&230 point (d) |
Changed |
2/16 |
EDD 2019/025/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.220&230 point (d) |
Changed |
2/16 |
EDD 2019/025/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.230(a);(b);(f) |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
ORO.FC.231 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM4 ORO.FC.231(a) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.231(a)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a)(3) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a)(3) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a)(4) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a)(4) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(a)(5) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(a)(5 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(b) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(b) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(b) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(c) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC4 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(d)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(d)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(d)(2) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(e) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(f) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(f)(3) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(f) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(f) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM3 ORO.FC.231(f) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM4 ORO.FC.231(f) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(g) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(g) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(g) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(g) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.231(h) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(h)(3) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(h) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(h)(4) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.231(i) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.231(i) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.231(i) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
ORO.FC.232 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
AMC1 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC2 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC3 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC4 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC5 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC6 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC7 ORO.FC232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC8 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM1 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
GM2 ORO.FC.232 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.232(b)(1) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
AMC1 ORO.FC.232(b)(3) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
ORO.FC.235 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
AMC1 ORO.FC.240 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2021/002/R |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
CAT.IDE.A.185 pt. (c)(1) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
NCC.IDE.A.160 pt. (b)(1) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
SPO.IDE.A.140 pt. (b)(1) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2020/2036 |
Revision table (IR, AMC, GM)
Air Ops rules amended by EDD 2021/005/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. No |
Amended by Commission Regulation / EASA ED Decision |
(3) Cover regulation |
Article 9aa |
Changed |
(EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex I (Definitions) |
GM1 Annex I |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 Annex I |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM20 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM21 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM22 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM23 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM24 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM25 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM26 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM27 Annex I |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
(4) Annex III (Part-ORO) |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.130 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 ORO.AOC.130 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
Appendix 1 to AMC1 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 ORO.AOC.130 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.130(b) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC5 ORO.MLR.100 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
(5) Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(b) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(b) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(b) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f)(1) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f)(1) |
Deleted |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f)(1a) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f)(3) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f)(3a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.195(f) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.140(d) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.140(d) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.250 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.250 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.250 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.300(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.303 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.303 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.OP.MPA.303 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.303(e) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.311 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.303 & CAT.OP.MPA.311 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.303 & CAT.OP.MPA.311 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.200 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.215 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.230 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.230(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.230(d)(2) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.235(a) and (b) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.235(a)(1) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.235(a)(3) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.230 & CAT.POL.A.235 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.230 & CAT.POL.A.235 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.POL.A.230 & CAT.POL.A.235 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.245(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.255(a)(2) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.255(a)(3) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(1) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(iv) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(iv) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(iv) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(iv) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(v) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(v) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(vi) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(vi) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(vii) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.255(b)(2)(ix) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.305 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.330 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.330 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.330(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.335 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.335 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.335(a)(1) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.335(a)(3) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.330 & CAT.POL.A.335 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.345(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.355(b) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(4) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(5) and (b)(6) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(7) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(7) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(8)(i) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(8)(i) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(8)(ii) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(9) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.355(b)(11) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.400 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC3 CAT.POL.A.400 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.430(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.A.435 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.435 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.435(a)(1) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.POL.A.430 & CAT.POL.A.435 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.POL.MAB.100(e) |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.105 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.105 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.185 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.185 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1.2 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.A.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.IDE.A.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.191(e) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.200 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.A.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.IDE.A.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 CAT.IDE.A.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.225 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC3 CAT.IDE.A.225 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.A.225 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.IDE.A.225 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.230(d) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.230 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.345(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.345(a) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.H.105 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.105 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.H.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.H.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.IDE.H.191 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.191(e) |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.H.220 |
Changed |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.H.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 CAT.IDE.H.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 CAT.IDE.H.220 |
New |
2/18 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
(6) Annex V (Part-SPA) |
Changed |
1/9 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
AMC1 NCC.GEN.145(b) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.GEN.145(b) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 NCC.GEN.145(b) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.GEN.145(f)(1) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.GEN.145(f)(1) |
Deleted |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.GEN.145(f)(1a) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.GEN.145(f)(3) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.GEN.145(f)(3a) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.GEN.145(f) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.185 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCC.OP.185 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 NCC.OP.185 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.225 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.225 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCC.OP.225 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 NCC.OP.225 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 NCC.OP.225 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM5 NCC.OP.225 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.OP.226 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.POL.105(e) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.POL.125 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.POL.135 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.A.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 NCC.IDE.A.165 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.A.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCC.IDE.A.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 NCC.IDE.A.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 NCC.IDE.A.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.245 & NCC.IDE.A.250 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.A.245 & CAT.IDE.A.250 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.H.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.190 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.H.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCC.IDE.H.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 NCC.IDE.H.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 NCC.IDE.H.190 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
(7) Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
AMC1 NCO.OP.205 |
Changed |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCO.OP.205 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.OP.206 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.105 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.A.105 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.145 |
Changed |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.A.145 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCO.IDE.A.145 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.H.105 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.H.105 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.H.145 |
Changed |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.H.145 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 NCO.IDE.H.145 |
New |
2/10 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
Annex VIII (Part SPO) |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.145(b) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.GEN.145(b) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.GEN.145(b) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.145(f) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.GEN.145(f) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.GEN.145(f) H |
Deleted |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.145(f)(3) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.GEN.145(f)(3a) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.GEN.145(f) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.175 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.OP.175 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.OP.175 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.210 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.210 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.OP.210 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.OP.210 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 SPO.OP.210 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM5 SPO.OP.210 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.OP.211 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.POL.130(a)(4) |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.POL.140 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.A.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.IDE.A.145 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.A.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.IDE.A.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.A.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.146(e) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 SPO.IDE.A.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.A.215 & SPO.IDE.A.220 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.215 & SPO.IDE.A.220 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.H.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.105 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.H.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.IDE.H.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.H.146 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.146(e) |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
AMC2 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
Changed |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM2 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
GM4 SPO.IDE.H.165 |
New |
1/13 |
EDD 2021/005/R |
Revision table (IR, AMC, GM)
Air Ops rules amended by EDD 2021/008/R
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. No |
Amended by Commission Regulation / EASA ED Decision |
Annex I (Definitions) |
GM1 Annex I |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM2 Annex I |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.A.280 |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.A.280 |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.A.280 |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.A.285(f) |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.H.280 |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 CAT.IDE.H.280 |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.H.280 |
New |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.H.300(b)(3) & CAT.IDE.H.305(b) |
Changed |
2/19 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
(9) Annex V (Part-SPA) |
GM2 SPA.HOFO.145 |
Changed |
1/10 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
AMC2 NCC.IDE.A.215 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.A.215 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM2 NCC.IDE.A.215 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 NCC.IDE.H.215 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 NCC.IDE.H.215 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM2 NCC.IDE.H.215 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.227(b)(3) |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
(10) Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
AMC2 NCO.IDE.A.170 |
Changed |
2/11 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.A.170 |
Changed |
2/11 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 NCO.IDE.H.170 |
Changed |
2/11 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 NCO.IDE.H.170 |
Changed |
2/11 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
Annex VIII (Part SPO) |
AMC2 SPO.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.A.190 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
AMC2 SPO.IDE.H.190 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.190 |
Changed |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
GM3 SPO.IDE.H.190 |
New |
1/14 |
EDD 2021/008/R |
Summary of changes – Revision 14 (October 2019)
Easy Access Rules for air operations
1. EASA ED Decision 2019/019/R related to Regulation (EU) 2019/1384 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations, containing an update of the air operations rules and maintenance check flights
affects the following documents:
— GM to Cover Regulation (Article 2(1)(d)), issue 1 amendment 3
— GM to Annex I (Definitions), issue 1 amendment 11
— AMC&GM to Annex II (Part-ARO), issue 3 amendment 10
— AMC&GM to Annex III (Part-ORO), issue 2, amendment 15
— AMC&GM to Annex IV (Part-CAT), issue 2 amendment 17
— AMC&GM to Annex V (Part-SPA), issue 1 amendment 8
— AMC&GM to Annex VI (Part-NCC), initial issue, amendment 12
— AMC&GM to Annex VII (Part-NCO), issue 2, amendment 9
— AMC&GM to Annex VIII (Part-SPO), initial issue, amendment 12
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 17 September 2019.
Date of entry into force: on the day following that of its publication in the Official Publication of EASA.
Revision table (IR, AMC, GM)
Air Ops rules amended with Revision 14 – October 2019
ED Decision 2019/019/R containing AMC&GM related to
Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1384
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation / EASA ED Decision |
Cover regulation |
GM1 Art. 2(1)(d) |
New |
1/3 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 Art. 3(5)(e) |
New |
1/3 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex I (Definitions) |
GM17 Annex I |
New |
1/11 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM18 Annex I |
New |
1/11 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
GM1 ARO.GEN.205 |
Deleted |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ARO.GEN.305(b) |
Changed |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ARO.GEN.330 |
Changed |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 ARO.OPS.110 |
Changed |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM3 ARO.OPS.110 |
New |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 ARO.OPS.200 |
Changed |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM3 ARO.OPS.200 |
New |
3/10 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
GM1 ORO.GEN.105 |
Deleted |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.110(f)(h) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.130 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.130(b) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.160 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(1) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(1) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 ORO.GEN.200(a)(3) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.200(a)(6) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ORO.GEN.205 |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.310 |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 ORO.GEN.310 |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.310(a)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.310(b);(e) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.GEN.310(d) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.GEN.310(b);(d);(f) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.110 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.110(c) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.AOC.110(c) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ORO.AOC.115(b) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.125(a) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ORO.AOC.125(a) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.AOC.125(a)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ORO.AOC.125(a)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.AOC.125(a)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 ORO.AOC.135(a) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.MLR.105(d)(3) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.CC.100 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.100(d)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.CC.100(d)(2) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.125(d) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.135 |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.CC.205(a) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.205(c)(1) |
Changed title |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 ORO.CC.205(d) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 ORO.CC.205(d) |
New |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 ORO.FTL.105(1) |
Changed |
2/15 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.107 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 CAT.OP.MPA.155(b) |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 CAT.OP.MPA.295 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 CT.IDE.A.125(a)(1)(iii) & CAT.IDE.A.130(b) |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC4 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC6 CAT.IDE.A.190 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.205 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 CAT.IDE.A.205 |
New |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC2 CAT.IDE.H.190 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 CAT.IDE.H.205 |
Changed |
2/17 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
GM1 SPA.GEN.100(a) |
New |
1/8 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 SPA.NVIS.130(e) →GM2 SPA.NVIS.130(e) |
Renumbered |
1/8 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC10 SPA.EFB.100(b)(3) |
Changed |
1/8 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
GM1 NCC.GEN.100 |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 NCC.OP.220 |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.120(a)(3) & NCC.IDE.A.125(a)(3) |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.180 |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM2 NCC.IDE.A.180 |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCC.IDE.H.180 |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
GM1 NCO.GEN.100(b) |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCO.GEN.104 |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 NCO.GEN.104 |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 NCO.GEN.104(c) |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.120(a)(3) & NCO.IDE.A.125(a)(3) |
Changed |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 NCO.IDE.H.140 |
Changed |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Changed |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 NCO.SPEC.100 |
Changed |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
2/9 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
GM1 SPO.GEN.100 |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 SPO.OP.205 |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
AMC1 SPO.IDE.A.120(a)(3) & SPO.IDE.A.125(a)(3) |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
GM1 SPO.IDE.H.150 |
Changed |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
New |
1/12 |
EDD 2019/019/R |
Summary of changes – Revision 13 (September 2019)
Easy Access Rules for air operations
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1384 of 24 July 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the use of aircraft listed on an air operator certificate for non-commercial operations and specialised operations, the establishment of operational requirements for the conduct of maintenance check flights, the establishment of rules on non-commercial operations with reduced cabin crew on board and introducing editorial updates concerning air operations requirements
affects the Cover Regulation (Articles 2, 6 and 9aa) and the following Annexes to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex III – Part-ORO
— Annex IV – Part-CAT
— Annex V – Part-SPA
— Annex VI – Part-NCC
— Annex VII – Part-NCO
— Annex VIII – Part-SPO
This regulation introduces, among others, new requirements for maintenance check flights, a new definition of emergency exits, and a regulatory framework to allow the use of aircraft registered on an AOC by other operators for other-than-CAT operations, and as a result, proposes an amendment to Part-M of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 4 September 2019.
Date of entry into force of Reg. (EU) 2019/1384: on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
2. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1387 of 1 August 2019 as regards requirements for aeroplane landing performance calculations and the standards for assessing the runway surface conditions, update on certain aircraft safety equipment and requirements and operations without holding an extended range operational approval
affects the Cover Regulation (Article 9aa) and the following Annexes to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex III – Part-ORO
— Annex IV – Part-CAT
— Annex V – Part-SPA
— Annex VI – Part-NCC
— Annex VII – Part-NCO
— Annex VIII – Part-SPO
This regulation mandates the carriage of lightweight flight recorders for certain categories of light aircraft that are commercially operated (CAT and SPO). The current mass threshold for ‘non-ETOPS’ operations is removed, as well as the type design requirement for the 120–180-minute non-ETOPS operations with turbojet aeroplanes, and the mass limit requiring a reinforced cockpit door for certain categories of aeroplanes is increased.
The regulation requires the installation of an alternate power supply of the CVRs and associated cockpit-mounted area microphone installed on certain large aeroplanes.
This regulation also introduces standards for runway surface condition reporting, landing performance at time of arrival as well as a reduced required landing distance for CAT operations with certain categories of aeroplanes.
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 5 September 2019.
Date of entry into force of Reg. (EU) 2019/1387: on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
The following points of the Annex, addressing flight recorders for light aircraft, shall apply from 25 September 2019:
— Point (4)(a)
— Point (6)(b)
— Point (8)(b)
The following points of point (4) of the Annex, addressing runway performance, shall apply from 5 November 2020:
— Point (c)
— Point (d)
— Point (e)
— Point (f)
— Point (g)
— Point (n)
— Point (q).
Revision table (IR, AMC, GM)
Air Ops rules amended with Revision 13 – September 2019
Part, subpart, article, rule |
Action |
EDD Issue/ Amdt. no |
Amended by Commission Regulation / EASA ED Decision |
Cover regulation |
Article 2, pt. 7 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Article 6(3) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Article 9aa |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Article 9aa |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex I (Definitions) |
Point (17) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (22a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (25) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (32) |
Deleted |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (42) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (45a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (48a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (49a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (49b) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (49c) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (70a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (76a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (95a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (95b) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (103b) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Point (103c) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (107a) |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Point (128) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
ARO.GEN.120 (a),(b),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.GEN.135(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.GEN.300(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.GEN.350(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.OPS.110 (a),(b),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.OPS.150(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.OPS.200(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.RAMP.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.RAMP.115(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.RAMP.125 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.RAMP.140(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ARO.RAMP.150(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix I AOC |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix II OpSpecs |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Appendix III Proof of ramp inspection |
Deleted |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix IV Ramp inspection report |
Deleted |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix V List of SPA —> Appendix III |
Changed number |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix VI Authorisation of high risk SPO —> Appendix IV |
Changed number |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Annex III (Part-ORO) |
ORO.GEN.110(h) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.135(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.140(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.160 (a),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.205(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Section 3 – Additional organisation requirements |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.310 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.GEN.310(f)(3) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
ORO.AOC.110(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.AOC.125 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.AOC.135(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.SPO.100(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.SEC.100 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
ORO.CC.100 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
ORO.CC.205 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Appendix I Declaration |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
CAT.GEN.MPA.105 (a),(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.GEN.MPA.180(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.OP.MPA.170(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.OP.MPA.140 (a),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.OP.MPA.300 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.OP.MPA.301 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.OP.MPA.303 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.OP.MPA.311 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.OP.MPA.320 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.POL.A.105 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.POL.A.215 (b),(c),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.220 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.230 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.235 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.250(b)(11a) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.255 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.POL.A.330 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.335 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.355 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 – applies from 5/11/2020 |
CAT.POL.A.415 (d),(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.420 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.430(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.POL.A.435(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.100(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.125 (a),(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.130 (b),(h) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.185(i) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.191 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.205 (a),(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.230 (b),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.245(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.275 (c),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.285(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.A.345 |
Title changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.345(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.A.345(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.100 (a),(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.125 (a),(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.130 (b),(h) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.191 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.H.315(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.320 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
CAT.IDE.H.345 |
Title changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
CAT.IDE.H.345(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex V (Part-SPA) |
SPA.GEN.100 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPA.DG.110(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPA.NVIS.110(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPA.HHO.110 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPA.SET-IMC.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex VI (Part-NCC) |
NCC.GEN.100 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.GEN.101 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCC.GEN.145 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCC.OP.225 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCC.OP.226 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCC.IDE.A.100(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.A.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.A.120 (a),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.A.125 (a),(c),(h) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.A.180(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.A.250(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.100(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.120 (a),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.125 (a),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.235 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCC.IDE.H.250(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Annex VII (Part-NCO) |
NCO.GEN.100(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.GEN.104 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.OP.205 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCO.OP.206 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
NCO.IDE.A.100 (b),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.A.120(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.A.125(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.A.140(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.A.195(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.100 (b),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.120(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.125(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.140(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.185 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.IDE.H.195(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.SPEC.HEC.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Subpart E, Section 6 Maintenance check flights (NCO.SPEC.MCF) |
New section |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
NCO.SPEC.MCF.105(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Annex VIII (Part-SPO) |
SPO.GEN.005 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.GEN.100 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.GEN.140(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
SPO.GEN.145 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
SPO.OP.210 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
SPO.OP.211 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
SPO.POL.110(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.100 (b),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.105 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.120 (a),(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.125 (a),(c),(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.146 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
SPO.IDE.A.160(e) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.A.220(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.100 (b),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.105 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.120 (a),(d) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.125 (a),(c) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.220(e) |
New point |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.IDE.H.146 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.SPEC.HEC.105(b) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Subpart E, Section 5 Maintenance check flights (SPO.SPEC.MCF) |
New section |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
SPO.SPEC.MCF.100(a) |
Changed |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1387 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
New |
Reg. (EU) 2019/1384 |
Summary of changes – Revision 12 (March 2019)
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1975 of 14 December 2018 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards air operations requirements for sailplanes and electronic flight bags
affects the Cover Regulation (Articles 1, 2, 5, 6 and 10) and the following Annexes to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex III – Part-ORO
— Annex IV – Part-CAT
— Annex V – Part-SPA
— Annex VI – Part-NCC
— Annex VII – Part-NCO
— Annex VIII – Part-SPO
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 20 December 2018.
Date of application of Reg. (EU) 2018/1975: 9 July 2019.
2. EASA ED Decision 2018/012/R related to Regulation (EU) 2018/1042 amending regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations, containing requirements on aircrew medical fitness
affects the following documents:
— GM to Cover Regulation (Article 4.3), issue 1 amendment 2
— AMC and GM to Annex II Part-ARO, issue 3 amendment 8
— AMC and GM to Annex IV Part-CAT, issue 2 amendment 15
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 22 November 2018.
Date of application of EDD 2018/012/R: 14 August 2020.
3. EASA ED Decision 2019/005/R related to Reg. (EU) 2018/1974 amending Reg. (EU) No 1178/2011 on aircrew, containing new requirements on loss of control prevention and recovery training (UPRT)
affects the following documents:
— GM to Annex I (Definitions), issue 1 amendment 8
— AMC and GM to Annex III (Part-ORO), issue 2 amendment 13
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 27 Feb. 2019.
Date of application of EDD 2019/005/R: 20 December 2019.
4. EASA ED Decision 2019/007/R on the simplification of ramp requirements
affects the following documents:
— GM to Annex I (Definitions), issue 1 amendment 9
— AMC and GM to Annex II (Part-ARO), issue 3 amendment 9
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 27 Feb. 2019.
Date of application of EDD 2019/007/R: 01 September 2019, except for Annex II pt. 4 of EDD 2019/007/R introducing AMC1 ARO.RAMP.100(c), which shall apply from 1 January 2020.
5. EASA ED Decision 2019/008/R related to Reg. (EU) 2018/1975 amending Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations, containing the transposition of provisions on electronic flight bags (EFB) from ICAO Annex 6 and deleting the sailplane requirements from the AMC and GM associated to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012
affects the following documents:
— GM to Annex I (Definitions), issue 1 amendment 10
— AMC and GM to Annex III (Part-ORO), issue 2 amendment 14
— AMC and GM to Annex IV (Part-CAT), issue 2 amendment 16
— AMC and GM to Annex V (Part-SPA), issue 1 amendment 7
— AMC and GM Annex VI (Part-NCC), initial issue, amendment 11
— AMC and GM to Annex VII (Part-NCO), issue 2 amendment 8
— AMC and GM to Annex VIII (Part-SPO), initial issue, amendment 11
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 27 Feb. 2019.
Date of application of EDD 2019/008/R: 9 July 2019.
6. Typographical errors in the unofficial consolidated document on Easy Access Rules, in the following paragraphs:
— AMC1 ARO.RAMP.125(b) point (g); and
— CAT.IDE.H.350.
Summary of changes – Revision 11 (July 2018)
1. Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1042 of 23 July 2018 amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, as regards technical requirements and administrative procedures related to introducing support programmes, psychological assessment of flight crew, as well as systematic and random testing of psychoactive substances to ensure medical fitness of flight and cabin crew members, and as regards equipping newly manufactured turbine-powered aeroplanes with a maximum certified take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less and approved to carry six to nine passengers with a terrain awareness warning system
affects the Cover Regulation (Articles 4 and 9b) and the following Annexes to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex IV – Part-CAT
— Annex VI – Part-NCC
— Annex VII – Part-NCO
— Annex VIII – Part-SPO
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 25 July 2018.
Date of application of Reg. (EU) 2018/1042: 14 August 2020, except for the provisions related to TAWS (CAT.IDE.A.150 and SPO.IDE.A.130), which shall apply from 14 August 2018.
Summary of changes – Revision 10 (March 2018)
1. EASA Decision 2017/023/R containing amendments on flight recorders, underwater locating devices and aircraft tracking systems
affects the following documents:
— GM to Annex I (Definitions), amendment 7
— AMC and GM to Annex III Part-ORO, issue 2 amendment 12
— AMC and GM to Annex IV Part-CAT, issue 2 amendment 13
This Decision is a result of Reg. (EU) 2015/2338, which introduced new requirements for flight recorders, underwater locating devices and aircraft tracking systems. With this regulation, a new point (f) was added to CAT.IDE.A.285 (Flight over water), requiring that large aeroplane operated for commercial air transport over oceanic areas be fitted with a low-frequency underwater locating device.
A first set of AMC and GM complementing the implementing rules published in Reg. (EU) 2015/2338 was issued through Decision 2015/030/R of 17 December 2015.
A second set of AMC and GM covering protection of cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder parameters was issued through Decision 2016/012/R of 12 September 2016.
This is the third set of AMC and GM to support the implementation of CAT.GEN.MPA.205 and to clarify point (f) of CAT.IDE.A.285.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 14 December 2017.
Date of application of EDD 2017/023/R: the day following the day of its publication in the EASA Official Publication.
2. Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/394 amending Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the deletion of air operations requirements for balloons
affects the Cover Regulation (Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10) and the following Annexes to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012:
— Annex I – Definitions
— Annex II – Part-ARO
— Annex III – Part-ORO
— Annex IV – Part-CAT
— Annex VII – Part-NCO
— Annex VIII – Part-SPO
Date of publication in the Official Journal: 14 March 2018.
Date of application of Reg. (EU) 2018/394: 8 April 2019.
3. EASA Decision 2018/003/R related to Reg. (EU) 2018/394 as regards the deletion of the air operations requirements on balloons
The Decision affects the following documents:
— GM to Cover Regulation – amendment 2
— AMC&GM to Annex II (Part-ARO) – issue 3, amendment 7
— AMC&GM to Annex IV (Part-CAT) – issue 2 amendment 14
— AMC&GM to Annex VII (Part-NCO) – issue 2 amendment 7
— AMC&GM to Annex VIII (Part-SPO) – issue 1 amendment 10
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 23 March 2018.
Date of application of EDD 2018/003/R: 8 April 2019.
Summary of changes – Revision 9 (May 2017)
EASA Decisions containing the update of the Air Ops rules:
— ED Decision 2017/005/R on GM to Annex I (Definitions), amendment 6
— ED Decision 2017/006/R on AMC/GM to Part-ARO, issue 3 amendment 6
— ED Decision 2017/007/R on AMC/GM to Part-ORO, issue 2 amendment 11
— ED Decision 2017/008/R on AMC/GM to Part-CAT, issue 2 amendment 12
— ED Decision 2017/009/R on AMC/GM to Part-SPA, amendment 6
— ED Decision 2017/010/R on AMC/GM to Part-NCC, amendment 10
— ED Decision 2017/011/R on AMC/GM to Part-NCO, issue 2 amendment 6
— ED Decision 2017/012/R on AMC/GM to Part-SPO, amendment 9
The main changes performed with these Decisions are the following:
— Editorial changes in the AMC/GM to all Annexes;
— Better identification of inspector qualifications (AMC/GM to Part-ARO);
— AMC4 ARO.GEN.200(a)(2) ‘Management system. Inspector qualification for CAT operations’ becomes applicable 24 months from 30/03/2017;
— More flexibility for operators regarding the location of emergency medical kit (EMK);
— Safety issues identified in passenger (emergency exit) seating and briefing;
— Implementation issues related to helicopter sling load operations (HESLO).
Date of application for all the ED Decisions above: the day following the day of its publication in the EASA Official Publication.
Exception: ED Decision 2017/006/R (Part-ARO):
a. shall apply 24 months from the day following that of the publication of this Decision in the EASA Official Publication, and
b. shall not apply to inspecting staff already qualified as inspector to perform oversight tasks.”
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication of all the ED Decisions above: 30 March 2017.
Summary of changes – Revision 8 (March 2017)
1. Reg. (EU) 2017/363 on single-engined turbine aeroplane operations at night or in instrument meteorological conditions (SET-IMC) and the approval requirements for the dangerous goods training related to commercial SPO, NCC, and non-commercial SPO of complex motor-powered aircraft
This regulation enters into force on the 20th day following the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
Date of publication in the Official Journal of the EU: 02 March 2017.
The affected parts are the Cover Regulation (Article 6(3)), Annex II (Part-ARO), Annex III (Part-ORO), Annex IV (Part-CAT) and Annex V (Part-SPA) and related AMC/GM.
The affected paragraphs with the applicability date are marked accordingly in the Revision Table (IR, AMC, GM) further down.
2. Related EASA Decision 2017/004/R
The main changes are related to the following topics:
— The single-engined turbine aeroplane operations at night or in instrument meteorological conditions (SET-IMC);
— The one-off flights carrying no passengers or cargo where the aircraft is ferried for refurbishment, repair, maintenance checks, inspections, delivery, export or similar purposes shall be exempted from the application of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012;
— The approval requirements for the dangerous goods training programme for the commercial SPO, NCC and non-commercial SPO with complex-motor powered aircraft.
3. EASA Decisions 2017/002/R and 2017/003/R (post-transition) in relation to the publication of Regulation (EU) 2017/373 on the management of aeronautical databases and also linked to the OPS amendments to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 already published (Reg. (EU) 2016/1199)
The changes are related to the publication of Reg. (EU) No 2017/373 on the management of aeronautical databases.
This regulation brings changes only at the level of AMC and GM of the Air operations rules.
The changes affect the following AMC/GM:
a. EDD 2017/002/R: AMC/GM to Annexes IV (Part-CAT) and VI (Part-NCC).
Date of application: the day following the day of publication in the EASA Official Publication.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 08 March 2017.
b. EDD 2017/003/R: AMC/GM to Annexes IV (Part-CAT), VI (Part-NCC), VII (Part-NCO) and VIII (Part-SPO).
Date of application: 1 January 2019.
Summary of changes – Revision 7 (Oct. 2016)
1. EASA Decision 2016/022/R on helicopter offshore operations (HOFO) in Reg. (EU) 2016/1199
ED Decision 2016/022/R affected all Annexes to Reg. (EU) No 965/2012.
The changes are related to helicopter offshore operations (HOFO).
This Decision entered into force on the following day after its publication in the EASA Official Publication. It shall apply from 1 July 2018.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 07 Oct. 2016.
2. Editorial changes, correcting Rev. 6 of Air Ops consolidated version
These changes are not repeated in the Revision Table (IR, AMC, GM).
# |
Rule reference |
Change |
Annex II (Part-ARO) |
1. |
Improper numbering of subparagraphs |
2. |
Appendix II Operations specifications – the row with PBN |
The word “complex” was added in the box |
Annex IV (Part-CAT) |
3. |
CAT.GEN.MPA.105 (a)(10) |
(iii) instead of (ii) |
4. |
CAT.IDE.A.205 (a)(3) |
Update as amended by Reg. 2016/1199 |
Summary of changes – Revision 6 (Sept. 2016)
1. Reg. (EU) 2016/1199 on PBN, Helicopter Offshore Operations (HOFO) and data service providers of aeronautical data
— Operational approval of performance-based navigation;
— Certification and oversight of data services providers and processing of the aeronautical data and information – applicable only from 01 January 2019. The related text is marked and barred;
— Helicopter offshore operations (HOFO) – applicable only from 01 July 2018. The affected text is marked in grey and barred;
— Rules related to the transport of dangerous goods and rules related to upper torso restraint systems on flight crew seats and on passenger seats of certain small aeroplanes;
— Rules related to the carriage and use of supplemental oxygen supply in non-pressurised aeroplanes and helicopters engaged in non-commercial operations;
— Alleviation for twin turboprop aeroplanes with an MCTOM at or below 5 700 kg to operate under the NCO rules.
2. EASA ED Decision 2016/016/R related to the implementation of PBN requirements of Reg. (EU) 2016/1199
— ED Decision 2016/016/R on Annex I – Definitions
— ED Decision 2016/014/R on Annex II – Part-ARO
— ED Decision 2016/019/R on Annex III – Part-ORO
— ED Decision 2016/015/R on Annex IV – Part-CAT
— ED Decision 2016/020/R on Annex V – Part-SPA
— ED Decision 2016/017/R on Annex VI – Part-NCC
— ED Decision 2016/018/R on Annex VII – Part-NCO
— ED Decision 2016/021/R on Annex VII – Part-SPO
These Decisions, amending the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to the annexes to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air OPS Regulation’), address an economic issue related to performance-based navigation (PBN) operations. EASA is issuing these Decisions following the amendment of the Air OPS Regulation through Regulation (EU) 2016/1199.
The main changes are:
— The provision of PBN-related rules on pilot training and checking;
— The removal of the requirements for specific approvals for most PBN operations;
— The compliance with the fourth edition of the ICAO PBN Manual; and
— The introduction of proportionate operating procedures where necessary.
The Decisions also include clarifications on the requirements on upper torso restraint (UTR) systems, as well as new AMC and GM on the use of oxygen and on the transport of dangerous goods in the context of NCO operations.
These Decisions entered into force on the following day after their publication in the EASA Official Publication.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 02/08/2016.
3. EASA ED Decision 2016/012/R related to Reg. (EU) 2015/2338 (second set)
ED Decision 2016/012/R includes changes and new AMC/GM related to Reg. (EU) 2015/2338 on flight recorders, underwater locating devices and aircraft tracking systems.
The new AMC and GM are intended to update the operational requirements applicable to flight data recorders (FDRs). The AMC and GM are related to the following topics:
— Protection and use of recordings of the CVR in normal operation;
— Operational requirements for FDRs when installed on future aircraft; and
— Recording inspection.
This Decision enters into force on the following day after their publication in the EASA Official Publication.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 13/09/2016.
Summary of changes – Revision 5 (May 2016)
1. EDD 2016/008 on PBN (Reg. (EU) 2016/539 amending Reg. (EU) 1178/2011) affecting AMC/GM to Part-ARO and Part-ORO
This Decision addresses a safety and regulatory coordination issue related to training, testing and checking of pilots who wish to perform performance-based navigation (PBN) operations; it addresses a regulatory coordination issue related to the theoretical knowledge training for aeroplane and helicopter CPL, ATPL, MPL and IR; and it addresses a regulatory coordination issue related to pilot training with an operator after the issue of an MPL. The specific objective is to maintain a high level of safety for holders of the above-mentioned pilot licences.
On 6 April 2016, Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/539 entered into force, which amends Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation) by implementing PBN-related changes to the training, testing and checking of pilots. This Decision proposes the related AMC and GM. It also contains other aircrew-related AMC and GM that were initially related to other Agency rulemaking tasks and, therefore, the following three annexes are annexed to it:
— Annex I: amendments to the AMC/GM to the Aircrew Regulation related to PBN operations (RMT.0256), and AMC/GM to ARA.MED.330 (RMT.0413);
— Annex II: amendments to the AMC/GM to the Aircrew Regulation related to the detailed theoretical knowledge syllabus and learning objectives for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR for aeroplanes and helicopters (RMT.0188); and
— Annex III: amendments to the AMC/GM to Part-ORO (Issue 2 amd. 7) and Part-ARO (Issue 3 and. 2) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 related to the removal of the licence restriction to an operator for MPL holders.
Date of entry into force: on the day following the day of its publication in the Official Publication of the Agency.
Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 02 May 2016.
2. EDD 2016/004 on Special Categories of Passengers (SCP) affecting AMC/GM to Part-ORO and Part-CAT
This Decision addresses a safety issue related to the safe carriage of special categories of passengers (SCPs). SCPs are persons with reduced mobility (PRMs), infants and unaccompanied children, deportees, inadmissible passengers, or prisoners in custody.
These changes are based on passenger rights and anti-discrimination regulations and will provide operators with more reliable tools to mitigate SCP-related risks and hazards.
This Decision affects the AMC/GM to Part-ORO and Part-CAT. It only applies to European commercial air transport (CAT) operators and is related to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on Air Operations.
— The AMC/GM to Part-ORO enters into force 48 months following the day of its publication in the Official Publication of the Agency.
— The AMC/GM to Part-CAT enters into force 18 months following the day of its publication in the Official Publication of the Agency.
— Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 27 January 2016