Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
This Subpart establishes the additional requirements to be met by an organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval as an aero-medical centre (AeMC) to issue medical certificates, including initial class 1 medical certificates.
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Applicants for an AeMC certificate shall:
(a) comply with MED.D.005; and
(b) in addition to the documentation for the approval of an organisation required in ORA.GEN.115, provide details of clinical attachments to or liaison with designated hospitals or medical institutes for the purpose of specialist medical examinations.
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The documentation for the approval of an AeMC should include the names and qualifications of all medical staff, a list of medical and technical facilities for initial class 1 aero-medical examinations and of supporting specialist consultants.
(b) The AeMC should provide details of clinical attachments to hospitals, medical institutions and/or specialists.
ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The AeMC certificate shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to the holder and the aero-medical examiners of the organisation:
(a) complying with MED.D.030;and
(b) ensuring their continued experience by performing an adequate number of class 1 medical examinations every year.
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) At least 200 class 1 aero-medical examinations and assessments should be performed at the AeMC every year.
(b) In Member States where the number of aero-medical examinations and assessments mentioned in (a) cannot be reached due a low number of professional pilots, a proportionate number of class 1 aero-medical examinations and assessments should be performed.
(c) In these cases, the continuing experience of the head of the AeMC and aero-medical examiners on staff should also be ensured by them performing aero-medical examinations and assessments for:
(1) class 2 medical certificates as established in Part-MED; and/or
(2) third country class 1 medical certificates.
(d) Aero-medical research including publication in peer reviewed journals may also be accepted as contributing to the continued experience of the head of, and aero-medical examiners at, an AeMC.