Decision 2022/013/R issues the following amendment to the AMC and GM to Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014:
- AMC & GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes — Issue 1, Amendment 6
The objective of this Decision is to support the modernisation of the European Union (EU) aviation regulatory framework applicable to all-weather operations (AWOs) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2022/208, to ensure the highest level of safety while enabling efficiency gains based on the latest technological advancements.
This Decision amends Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Regulation (EU) No 139/2014, related to the provision of aeronautical data, surface movement guidance and control systems (SMGCS) and low-visibility procedures (LVPs).
The amendments are expected to support the implementation of AWOs at aerodromes, by ensuring the availability of the necessary aerodrome infrastructure (including visual and non-visual aids), aeronautical information and procedures. The proposed amendments support also the operation of ‘advanced aircraft’ at aerodromes with less ground infrastructure, e.g. runway lighting, without reducing the safety level, because the lack of infrastructure is compensated by advanced on-board systems, such as enhanced flight vision systems (EFVSs). This consequently will improve accessibility to these aerodromes without the need for the aerodrome operators to invest in costly infrastructure. In addition, the amendments are expected to have a positive effect on the environment by allowing more aircraft to land in low-visibility conditions and by reducing the number of flights that need to divert if the visibility conditions at the destination aerodrome are not optimal.