Helicopter Vortex Ring State: Understanding the Dangerous Phenomenon
To be a good helicopter pilot and to avoid accidents, you need to know the hazardous flight conditions well.
In this first video in the series of "Hazardous Helicopter Flight Conditions", ESPN-R member Caroline Schiel, Helicopter Pilot and Flight Instructor CPL(H) FI, addresses the Vortex Ring State (VRS), also previously referred to as Settling with Power.
HELICOPTER VORTEX RING STATE : Understanding the Dangerous Phenomenon (youtube.com)
Note: Running from Nov. 2022 to Nov. 2024, the VRS (Helicopter Vortex Ring State Experimental Research) | EASA (europa.eu) will provide a better understanding of the VRS phenomenon on different kinds of helicopters, the analytical and simulation prediction methods, and flight test methods for its determination.
It will also evaluate the effectiveness of non-traditional recovery manoeuvres such as the Vuichard Recovery Technique.
Other Episodes in the Series
The other episodes in the series do or will address:
- Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness / Unintended Yaw,
- Mast Bumping,
- Ground Resonance,
- Dynamic and Static Rollover,
- Carburetor Icing,and
- Rotor Stall.
Leave your comments, questions and suggestions in the section below.
You can also contact Caroline Shiel at Fly High | Facebook or (63) Caroline Schiel | LinkedIn.
Helicopter Vortex Ring State (previously referred by the FAA to as Settling with Power) Escape by Helicopter Training Videos
Vuichard Recovery Technique - How to escape a Vortex Ring State by the Vuichard Recovery Safety Foundation (VRSAF)
VRS (Helicopter Vortex Ring State Experimental Research) | EASA (europa.eu)
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