Here you can find out about the latest Helicopter Safety Statistics as they are published from the EASA Annual Safety Review (ASR). As this site develops we will also provide snapshots throughout the year so we can see how safety performance is progressing.
Now updated with the key statistics from the ASR 2020. Download the full report from the EASA Website.
Safety priorities from the ASR 2020
The most important part of the ASR is this graph that identifies the most important accident outcomes (or Key Risk Areas) as they are termed in the analysis. From this we see the need to focus our efforts towards the preventing the following:
- Aircraft upset/ loss of control.
- Obstacle collision in flight.
- Airborne collision.
- CFIT/ terrain collision.

Commercial helicopter operations
In 2019, there were 4 fatal accidents with 17 fatalities, this was an increase from 2 fatal accidents and 8 fatalities in the previous year. This increase highlights the importance of our safety efforts in the EASA Rotorcraft Roadmap. serious incidents and no fatal or non-fatal accidents in helicopter offshore commercial air transport. There were however, less non-fatal accidents and serious incidents than the previous year.

Helicopter specialised ops (Part SPO) – Key statistics
In specialised operations (Part SPO) there was 1 fatal accident with a single fatality - a reduction from 2 fatal accidents with 2 fatalities in the previous year. It is also positive to see the downward trend in the general statistics.