Off-Site Landings - Part 3 - Manoeuvring in the Landing Site

Michel Masson
Michel Masson • 28 November 2024
in community Rotorcraft

EASA has invited Mona Seeberger, helicopter pilot, instructor and technician, to make a new series of four videos on Helicopter Off-Airfield Landing Site Operations. This article presents the third video addressing Manoeuvring in the Landing Site and Operating with Personnel on the Ground. The video and article are mainly based on the EHEST Leaflet HE 3 Helicopter Off Airfield Landing Sites Operations | EASA (

This article presents the third EASA video of a series of four with Mona Seeberger, addressing Off-Airfield Landing Site Operations. It focuses on Manoeuvring in the Landing Site and Operating with Personnel on the Ground.

Sloping ground techniques

When landing or taking off on an unprepared site, use sloping ground techniques. Use the correct manoeuvres, as described in the Flight Manual (FM) from the manufacturer.

Caution: Once on the ground, continue watching out for bystanders who could approach the helicopter. Also, be aware of the risks of Foreign Object Debris (FOD), blowing sand or stones, straw, snow, etc., that can cause a brown out or a white out, or damage the engine and the helicopter. It’s always good to have trained people on the ground who can keep bystanders, animals, vehicles and objects away from the helicopter.

Caution: Due to danger of blade strike, tail strike or FOD, manoeuvring within the landing site should only be conducted when necessary. Use extreme caution when parking the helicopter.

Caution: When operating piston-engine helicopters  and landing in long grass, the engine exhaust can cause a fire because of its location underneath the helicopter. The risk is particularly high in hot and dry conditions. 

The fourth video and article of this series of four will focus on Departure, Take Off and Climb Procedures.


EHEST Leaflet HE 3 Helicopter Off Airfield Landing Sites Operations | EASA (

Helicopter Landing Guide Helicopter Landing Guide – Helipaddy.

(30) Andrew Brandt | LinkedIn.

Uncertified Helipad Landing | EASA Community (

EASA video Helicopter Landings at Uncertified Helipads (

Welcoming Helicopters - Advice to Ground Personnel | EASA Community.

Threat and Error Management (TEM) for Helicopter Operations | EASA Community (

From Take-Off to Landing | EASA Community (

Helicopter Airmanship | EASA Community (

Spotlight on Safety: Best practices for confined-area operations - ROTOR Media.

HAI Spotlight on Safety: Confined Area Operations (





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