Free weather service for GA pilots

Vladimir FOLTIN • 7 March 2024
in community General Aviation

Have you ever flown to an airport without its own METAR and TAF? It's a common challenge as only 6% of the world's airports provide METAR and even fewer provide TAF. As you can imagine, these are mainly large commercial airports or military bases - not typically the bread and butter of GA. To find out the weather, you usually have to rely on the METAR and TAF from the nearest airport - which may be far away - or call the tower. Not exactly convenient for flight preparation, is it?

Now there is a solution. provides weather reports (AW-METAR) and forecasts (AW-TAF) for every airport, updated every 10 minutes (as opposed to METARs which are updated every 30/60 minutes and TAFs which are updated every 6 hours).

More information is in the attached document.


Comments (2)

Antoine ROGUES

Hello, even if the idea is very good, you should remove the acronym "METAR", because a METAR in pilot mind it's reality => observation.
I configured everything for my airport (no METAR) and sometimes it's completly wrong (annonced as VFR, but completly foggy).
When it's based on a forecast model, it can be wrong and need to be advisertise like this.

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