Is there any more information on MEL for the SPI IR?

Is there any more information on MEL for the SPI IR?


Conditions for operations in the Single European Sky airspace with temporarily inoperative transponder function can be found in Article 5(5) of the SPI IR. Such conditions could be potentially supplemented by conditions for operation and rectification interval as required by the operators’ Competent Authority (CA). We recommend you initially contact your CA. It should also be noted that the MEL is based on the Master Minimum Equipment LIST (MMEL) specific for the aircraft/model and cannot be less restrictive. 
You can find specific information regarding the MMEL for your aircraft type/model from the aircraft Type Certificate Holder (TCH). 

If your surveillance equipment (transponder) has been installed using a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), you should contact the STC holder (STCH) to obtain the relevant information and documentation.
With regards to EASA documentation, CS-MMEL Issue 2 (Certification Specifications and guidance material for Master Minimum Equipment List), includes the references to the changes introduced by the amendment to the SPI IR. 

For any further information on MMEL please send your request to mmel [at]

Last updated

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