How long should we expect the process to take for the initial TCO authorisation?

How long should we expect the process to take for the initial TCO authorisation?


Although article TCO.300 (b)(1) of the TCO Regulation requires operators to submit their application at least 30 days before the intended starting date of operation, it is highly recommended to submit the application well in advance of the intended operation in order to allow for sufficient lead time for the technical assessment. Pursuant to article ART.200(b), EASA shall complete the assessment within 30 days, after the operator has submitted a complete application and has submitted all relevant material requested by the Agency. . Where EASA decides to conduct further assessments, to invite operators for a meeting or to perform an on-site audit, the timeline of 30 days does not apply and the TCO authorisation process can take several months, especially where the technical assessment results in findings that must be closed before EASA can issue the authorisation.

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