What are the Part-66 licence categories?

What are the Part-66 licence categories?


In a Part-145 approved organisation, the different categories of Part-66 licences are:

LICENCE CATEGORY For certifying the release to service of work performed on aircraft: What:
A Minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification

Divided into the following subcategories: 

  • A1 Aeroplanes Turbine; 
  • A2 Aeroplanes Piston; 
  • A3 Helicopters Turbine; 
  • A4 Helicopters Piston.
Line Maintenance
B1 Maintenance on aircraft structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems, avionic systems requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability and no troubleshooting

Divided into

B1.1 for turbine aeroplanes, 
B1.2 for piston engine aeroplanes, 
B1.3 for Turbine helicopter and 
B1.4 for piston engine helicopter

Line Maintenance
B3 Maintenance on aeroplane structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems; and on avionics systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability and not requiring troubleshooting limited to non-pressurized aeroplanes of 2 000 kg MTOM and below. Line Maintenance
B2 Maintenance performed on avionic and electrical systems and electric and avionics tasks within powerplant and mechanical systems requiring only simple test and minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification Line Maintenance
B2L The same as B2 but limited to the systems endorsed on the licence:

Divided into the following ‘system ratings’:

communication/navigation (com/nav), 
auto flight, 
airframe systems.

Line Maintenance

Maintenance on aircraft structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems; radio, Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) and transponder systems; and 
work on other avionics systems requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability 

Divided into the following subcategories:  

L1C: composite sailplanes, 
L1: sailplanes, 
L2C: composite powered sailplanes and composite ELA1 aeroplanes, 
L2: powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes, 
L3H: hot-air balloons, 
L3G: gas balloons, 
L4H: hot-air airships, 
L4G: ELA2 gas airships, 
L5: gas airships other than ELA2.

Line Maintenance
C Base maintenance

C with respect to complex motor-powered aircraft and
C with respect to other than complex motor-powered aircraft

Line Maintenance
  Support staff for:  
B1 Maintenance on aircraft structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems, avionic systems requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability and no troubleshooting (subdivided into B1.1 for turbine aeroplanes, B1.2 for piston engine aeroplanes, B1.3 for Turbine helicopter and B1.4 for piston engine helicopter) Base Maintenance
B2 Maintenance on avionic and electrical systems and electric and avionics tasks within power plant and mechanical systems requiring only simple test and minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification Base Maintenance
B2L The same as B2 but limited to the systems endorsed on the licence: 
  • communication/navigation (com/nav), 
  • instruments, 
  • auto flight, 
  • surveillance, 
  • airframe systems.
B3 Maintenance on aeroplane structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems; and on avionics systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability and not requiring troubleshooting limited to non-pressurized aeroplanes of 2 000 kg MTOM and below. Base Maintenance

Maintenance on aircraft structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems; radio, Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) and transponder systems; and 
work on other avionics systems requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability 

Divided into the following subcategories:  

L1C: composite sailplanes, 
L1: sailplanes, 
L2C: composite powered sailplanes and composite ELA1 aeroplanes, 
L2: powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes, 
L3H: hot-air balloons, 
L3G: gas balloons, 
L4H: hot-air airships, 
L4G: ELA2 gas airships, 
L5: gas airships other than ELA2.

Base Maintenance

See points 66.A.3 and 66.A.20 of Annex III (Part-66) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 can be found on the Agency website https://www.easa.europa.eu/regulations#regulations-continuing-airworthi… or in the eRules https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/easy-access-rules/easy-acce…)

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