Zero tolerance against unruly passengers - Not on my flight

Together we show zero tolerance to unruly passengers #notonmyflight

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The facts: It's bad and it's getting even worse

Every 3 hours the safety of a flight within the EU is threatened by passengers demonstrating unruly or disruptive behaviour. At least 70% of these incidents involve some form of aggression. Once a month the situation escalates to such a degree forcing the plane to perform an emergency landing.*

The number of reported incidents in 2018 shows an increase of 34% when compared to 2017.

* Occurrences involving Unruly Passengers from the European Central Repository that were reported by operators from the EASA Member States in accordance with the definitions in Regulation (EU) 376/2014.

Unruly passengers threaten your safety!

These incidents have a direct impact on both the safety of crew and of passengers. Any kind of unruly or disruptive behaviour whether related to intoxication, aggression or other factors introduces an unnecessary risk to the normal operation of a flight.
An intoxicated person will not be able to follow safety instructions when needed, aggressive behaviour distracts the crew from their duties. 
Physical violence results in injury and it's a traumatic experience for everybody on board and if a member of the crew gets injured, their capacity to act in case of an emergency is reduced.

What is unruly behaviour?

  • Excessive drinking during or before the flight
  • Use of drugs or mixing them with alcohol during or before the flight
  • Not complying with crew instructions
  • Being violent both verbally and physically
  • Distracting the cabin crew from their duties

It’s time we do something about it!

Even though the number of unruly passengers is small considering the total number of people flying, the impact of their actions can have a disproportionate effect both on the smooth operation of the flight and, most importantly, on its safety. The rise in serious unruly passenger behaviour is a great concern to the aviation community and particularly to Airlines.
Every passenger and cabin crew member has the right to a safe flight, free of violence and other behaviours that might put them at risk. Travelling should be an enjoyable experience where passengers treat each other and the cabin crew with the respect that they deserve.

Let's stop this kind of behaviour right away!

Together with you we are saying #notonmyflight.