NPA 2019-10(B)

Measurement of the SKPI and SPIs in the SES Performance and Charging Scheme — Annex: Draft AMC and GM ‘SKPI & SPIs’ (RMT.0723)


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The objective of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to provide technical material regarding the implementation and measurement of the SKPI at the level of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and the SPIs at both the State and ANSP level.

The NPA and the indicators referred to above are linked to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317 laying down a performance and charging scheme in the single European sky and repealing Implementing Regulations (EU) Nos 390/2013 and 391/2013, being the Third Reference Period (RP3) of the SES Performance and Charging Scheme. This NPA proposes AMC and GM appropriate to the requirements of the SKPI of RP3 of the SES Performance and Charging Scheme as provided for under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317.

The proposed amendments are expected to decrease the safety-reporting burden and reduce regulatory burden when compared with the AMC and GM for RP2 of the SES Performance and Charging Scheme as provided for under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 390/2013. Further, the amendments are expected to facilitate stakeholders in complying with the safety performance requirements of the above-mentioned Commission Implementing Regulation. The SKPI reporting is restricted to ANSPs and, wherever possible, the SPIs will be calculated using occurrence data that has been reported to the European Central Repository under Regulation (EU) No 376/2014. Once consulted upon, the final material will be provided to the European Commission, whereupon it will be incorporated into a Commission Notice in relation to the SES Performance and Charging Scheme Regulation. As such, it will not be published as AMC and GM through an EASA ED Decision nor as an Opinion.

Please note that the material is presented in three sub-NPAs:

  • NPA 2019-10(A): the Explanatory Note;
  • NPA 2019-10(B): the Annex to the Explanatory Note, containing the material that is proposed to be adopted into a Commission Notice, which further describes the SKPI and SPIs, as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317;
  • NPA 2019-10(C): the Appendix to the Annex, providing the questionnaire and associated verification guidance for the Effectiveness of Safety Management (EoSM) SKPI. This will also be adopted into the Commission Notice.