EASA ADS-B june 7 2020

Jan Melkebeek
Jan Melkebeek • 18 July 2018
in community General Aviation

By "accident"  I've read that in 2020 (June 7) ADS-B will be obligatory for IFR-GAT in Europe (like it is from January 1 2020 in the USA).  But to (most of) the flying community in Europe nothing has been communicated (to the contrary, in the USA, only a blind and deaf pilot could argue he/she does not know...).

I tried to read the legal texts I found on the EASA site. But, I am an engineer with a PhD in engineering, however not in law. Could anyone explain to me in 'normal' speak  what this implies? My aircraft (a C72R), flown mostly under IFR, has a mode S transponder (of course). But it does not contain a GNSS source (but my two Garmin do) and does not transmit on the 1090 Mhz as for ADS-B out. More specifically, do I have to replce my Garmin transponder with the new Garmin 345? And what else?



Comments (12)

Vladimir Foltin
Vladimir Foltin

Dear Jan,

Thank you for asking this interesting and relevant question.

The answer is, that your plane (C72R) does not need to be ABS-B compliant to the SPI regulation as that one is only required for aircraft undertaking IFR operation with a MTOW greater than 5700 kg or with a maximum cruising true airspeed capability greater than 250 knots.

When it comes to the replacement of your Mode-S transponder, the issue is a bit more tricky because according to the rules all aircraft with MTOW less than 5700 kg or with a maximum cruising true airspeed capability less than 250 knots which undertake IFR operations, are required to be equipped with a Mode S transponder, with elementary surveillance capability, that is compliant to the regulation. This means in practice that old transponder installations in accordance with JAA TGL13 are not compliant and need to be upgraded.
We are attempting to address this, however a rule change is necessary therefore, that may take some more time.

I understand the frustration due to lack of communication, but the carriage requirements were established under a different legal framework than EASA.
Nevertheless, the new EASA regulatory framework just recently adopted covers also these elements so the airborne and ground interoperability requirements would not be addressed in isolation anymore.


Jan Melkebeek
Jan Melkebeek

Dear Vlado,
Thanks for your quick answer. I will ask my avionics installer what I 'll need to do (the aircraft maintenance shops I spoke did not know anything about these "new" regulations). But I do hope that, if I upgrade, also ADS-B IN will be implemented in Europe as I would like to see also traffic information and weather. My current Garmin mode S transponder can show TIS, but this has not been implemented in Europe (which is a pity: in the past I have had two near-misses due to VFR aircraft in marginal VMC and not in contact with ATC... ).

Vladimir Foltin
Vladimir Foltin

Dear Jan,
Thanks for sharing your experience, although not very pleasant.
As an active pilot, I can only agree that more needs to be done in the area of interoperability of various traffic information systems / solutions.
Therefore, we have teamed up with industry and other aviation stakeholders, including EUROCONTROL and established a coordination platform where we are working together on an European solution that would satisfying the needs of various airspace users.
You can imagine that this task is not easy as requires a wide collaboration of many parties with sometime diverging interests. Nevertheless, we hope to be able to present some news on this topic in November at EASA Annual Safety Conference 2018 in Vienna that will be dedicated to ‘A vision for the future of General Aviation’.

Jozef Jankovic
Jozef Jankovic

I hope that SESAR PJ014 -02-05 project will help to improve this "situation awareness" related problems with introduction of "TIS like" information system for European region dedicated mostly for VFR traffic.

William Davies
William Davies

Jan, in Europe most GA aircraft are equipped with FLARM for collision avoidance. With ADS-B In, you would see only airliners, since almost no GA aircraft have ADS-B Out (and this is not likely to change). I've had a PowerFLARM in my Mooney for a few years, and almost all aircraft I meet show up.

Jan Melkebeek
Jan Melkebeek

Dear William,
Yes, all gliders do. But I don't know any motorcraft in Belgium or France with FLARM. Flarm only works when the other aircraft have it, isn't it?
Of course, nothing will help if not everyone is aware of the danger of mid-airs. As I mentioned in previous mails, I had nearly two: one in class D (the other had not its transponder on and was not in obligatory contact with ATC), one in class G (the other had not its transponder on and was not in contact with ATC flight info).

William Davies
William Davies

I don't know about Belgium, but in France many GA have FLARM. I also heard recently that more than 50% of all GA+Gliders in Europe have FLARM, and that almost all FLARM installations are today in GA. Over 35,000 aircraft are already equipped. So it's definitely not for gliders.

I've had several near misses myself and FLARM has saved my life twice. Now I'm not flying anywhere without it.

Mike B
Mike B

Correct me if I'm wrong but after last change to regulation 1207-2011 (inc. 2020/587), seems that all aircraft flying in VFR need MODE S XPNDR (do not confuse with ADS-B) on board. Check article 2.2 and article 7.3 & 7.4.

Axel-Stéphane Smorgrav
Axel-Stéphane Smorgrav

I do not think that is correct. Articles 7(3) and 7(4) deal with the assignment of 24-bit codes to aircraft that have a Mode S transponder installed. If a mode-S transponder is installed, it has to have the correct 24-bit code assigned to its registration, configured. Article 2(2) says that only IFR flights are concerned by the Mode S mandate.

Vladimir FOLTIN
Vladimir FOLTIN

That is not correct. The Reg. 1207/2100 as amended applies to GAT IFR (Art. 2(2)), with exception of Arts. 7(3) and 7(4), which apply to all GAT (i.e. incl VFR).

The Art. 2(2) reads as follows:
This Regulation shall apply to all flights operating as general air traffic in accordance with instrument flight rules within the Single European Sky airspace with the exception of Article 7(3) and 7(4) which shall apply to all flights operating as general air traffic.

Only the following applies to VFR GAT:
Art. 7(3) that reads as follows:
Member States shall ensure that the assignment of 24-bit ICAO aircraft addresses to aircraft equipped with a Mode S transponder complies with Chapter 9 and its appendix of Annex 10 to the Chicago Convention, Volume III, Second Edition including all amendments up to No 90.
Art. 7(4) that reads as follows:
Operators shall ensure that on board the aircraft they are operating, any Mode S transponder operates with a 24-bit ICAO aircraft address that corresponds to the registration that has been assigned by the State in which the aircraft is registered.

Full text of Reg. 1207/2011 as amended (consolidated version) could be accessed here:

Mike B
Mike B

Thanks Vladimir - this is exactly what I mean. Other words if I have aircraft (utilized only in GAT VFR) with xpndr mode a or c, I have to change it to xpndr mode s till 07/DEC/2020. But I have some doubts what exactly I need for GAT VFR flights – only mode S with 24-bit ICAO address (art. 7.4) or everything in accordance with ANNEX II PART A as state in art. 5.5.(a).

Axel-Stéphane Smorgrav
Axel-Stéphane Smorgrav

Mike B, if your aircraft is not equipped with a Mode S transponder, articles 7(3) and 7(4) do not apply. You can continue to operate your Mode A/C transponder in VFR. As an operator, only 7(4) would apply to you, but then only if you operate a Mode S transponder.

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