By "accident" I've read that in 2020 (June 7) ADS-B will be obligatory for IFR-GAT in Europe (like it is from January 1 2020 in the USA). But to (most of) the flying community in Europe nothing has been communicated (to the contrary, in the USA, only a blind and deaf pilot could argue he/she does not know...).
I tried to read the legal texts I found on the EASA site. But, I am an engineer with a PhD in engineering, however not in law. Could anyone explain to me in 'normal' speak what this implies? My aircraft (a C72R), flown mostly under IFR, has a mode S transponder (of course). But it does not contain a GNSS source (but my two Garmin do) and does not transmit on the 1090 Mhz as for ADS-B out. More specifically, do I have to replce my Garmin transponder with the new Garmin 345? And what else?
Dear Vlado,
Thanks for your quick answer. I will ask my avionics installer what I 'll need to do (the aircraft maintenance shops I spoke did not know anything about these "new" regulations). But I do hope that, if I upgrade, also ADS-B IN will be implemented in Europe as I would like to see also traffic information and weather. My current Garmin mode S transponder can show TIS, but this has not been implemented in Europe (which is a pity: in the past I have had two near-misses due to VFR aircraft in marginal VMC and not in contact with ATC... ).