Strengthening and coordinating a European network of experts in support to non-CO2 emission impact assessment and policy option assessment


The European Commission published the amended Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-24 on 31 March 2023. The overall driver of Cluster 5 – “Climate, Energy and Mobility”  is to accelerate the green and digital transition, and the associated transformation of the economy, industry and society to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. 

This cluster contains seven research actions, which have been delegated to EASA as contracting authority. This project addresses the following action: Strengthening and coordinating a European network of experts in support to non-CO2 emission impact assessment and policy option assessment.

Outcome and output

The outcome below describes the expected and targeted benefit and impact the project will generate after successfully completion. The output below describes the intended project results needed to achieve the expected/targeted outcome. 

Expected outcome

The understanding of the climate impact of aviation non-CO2 emissions is constantly evolving, the recent report from the Commission and EASA in 2020 highlighted the need to reduce these uncertainties to implement effective mitigation policy measures.

Required output

Developing, agreeing, and implementing an effective policy response to the issue of the climate impact of non-CO2 emissions from the aviation sector requires a coordinated effort and consensus across a wide range of relevant stakeholders (e.g., scientific community, academia, aircraft operators, fuel producers, ANSPs, NGOs, regulators, analysts and policymakers at EU / State level).
The project will establish a non-CO2 science network to consolidate the series of recent research project results and evaluate on-going/planned projects on required actions to address open issues and gaps as well as the definition of the roadmap for enhanced impact assessment capabilities. The results will also support work on the climate impact of non-CO2 emissions in the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP).